Chapter 1

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Your legs burned from running too much, your hands sweaty as you feared for dropping the camcorder in your grasp. You jumped over obstacles trying to outrun the scrawny cannibal that wanted to eat your head. You leaped over a table and took cover in a room with sewing equipment.

Frank pounded on the door while you used all your body weight to keep it shut. He growled like an animal and clawed at the glass.

"NO! NO NO NO! GRRAA!" he howled, running off. You sighed in relief when he disappeared around the corner. You locked the door and slumped against it, taking a breather.

You looked around the filthy room. Why would Murkoff need sewing equipment? They don't need to be making clothes...

You turned on your camera (making sure to turn on night vision, since it was hella dark in there) and documented everything you saw. There was a sudden clatter that came from farther down the room, echoing off the walls. Your heart sped up as you prayed to god that Frank hadn't found a way in...

Well, there was no use in sitting here wondering. You picked up a nearby battery and walked in the direction of the noise. You started to hear faint music in the distance, old music. You cautiously continued through the room, your heart beating a million miles a minute. You walked into a bloody room, which was semi dark, but you were able to make out a table and tray next to it containing an array of various surgeon tools. You walked further into the room and something hit your face. Something soft, wet, and sticky.

You stepped back and turned the night vision on on the camera, bringing it up to your face to see there were several dismembered limbs hanging from the ceiling. You dropped the camera and covered your mouth, trying not to scream or vomit.

It didn't work. You hunched over and wretched violently. When you finished you grunted and wiped your mouth. You heard a door creak open somewhere and a harmonious voice singing a sweet tune. You froze and stood in the shadows next to the doorway, listening;

"When I was a boy my mother often said to me, get married son and see how happy you will be. I have looked all over, but no girlie can I find, who seems to be just like the little girl I have in mind, I will have to look around until the right one I have found."

A man walked out into the single  light at the center of the room, dragging a naked body with him. The man had black hair that was shaved at the sides of his head, with multiple scars adorning his face. His eyes were a beautiful bright blue, however a blood vein in one of his eyes had burst, and the white part of the eye was crimson. The other eye was the same, but only half of it was bloody, the other half was blood shot. He had a dark vest that seemed to be stitched together with random patches of cloth, and a bow tie which was also covered in blood.

The man didn't seem to notice you, so you stood where you were and kept completely still, your whole body shaking with fear. The man hummed with a content smile on his face as he worked, only pausing to grunt in between his song while he pulled the other man onto the table. He pulled on a pair of black gloves and strapped the limp body to the table, which you just noticed had a buzzsaw on between the poor guy's legs...

The man on the table groaned and shifted, then started to thrash when he saw he was strapped to a table. The crazy man rushed to his side and shushed him,"Hush now, darling, don't fret. I'm merely making some slight changes, it'll be over soon."

The man prepared to start the buzzsaw, then stopped again,"I've been a little... vulgar. I know. And I want to say, I'm sorry. I just... you know how a man gets when he wants to know a woman. But after the ceremony, when I've made an honest woman of you... I promise I'll be a different man."

Woman...? You blinked in confusion. But the guy on the table is obviously a man...What a weirdo...Well, this is an insane asylum, crazy people are to be expected. That's when the crazy man started the buzzsaw, making the other man squirm and beg for his life. The crazy man simply ignored him and pushed the the guy's member towards the deadly blade, until the saw hacked the genital in half. The poor man screamed in agony as you stood by and watched helplessly, wishing you could help, but your legs were frozen in place.

She Will Be MINE (Eddie Gluskin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now