Layla Sat Jenny Up.

Jenny Has A Red Spot On Her Chest.

"No No Your Bleeding!"
Layla Exclaimed.

"Layla....I Need You To Know Something.....I've Always Looked Up To You"
Jenny Admitted.

Layla Raises Her Eyebrow.

Jenny Pats Layla's Shoulder.
"You Are Always So Sweet And Caring. Charlie Is So Smart And Knowing, And Oscar Well He..."

Oscar Jumped On A Rock With A Twisler Doing The Tarzan Yell.

Layla And Jenny Blink.

"......oscar. So I Just Admire How Your Sweet And I'm Just Crazy Insane.....Your My BFF 4 Evah...."
Jenny Dies.

Layla Hugged Jenny Tight.

Jenny Then Started Sniffing And Touched Her Red Spot On Her Chest.

And Tasted It.

"It's Just Ketchup I'm Fine-"
Jenny Blinks.

Layla Looked At Her.

Jenny Cheered Relieved.

Hey You Never Heard Any Of That Stuff, Got Me? 🔪"
Jenny Glared At Layla.

Layla Stayed Quiet.

Keith Raises His Eyebrow At That.

"Boooooop :)"
Keith Boops Branch's Nose Then Ran Off.

Branch Quickly Got Up.

Both Ran In Different Parallel Directions.

Keith Picked Up A Glitter Ball.

Branch Picked Up Another Dynamite Stick.

Both Jumped Across The Village In Slo Mo.

Keith Threw The Glitter Ball At Branch. 🎇

And Branch Threw The Dynamite Stick Towards Keith. 🧨

Both Objects Collided And......


Poppy Pauses Her Music.
"What Was That?!"

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