The birth of a mysterious girl

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It was a rainy night of 15 August,1999,at 10:45pm,a girl was born into a joint, traditional,and strict-mannered family.The rained poured heavily to the extent that one cannot hear another person's voice.The rain was accompanied by a harsh wind beating the trees outside the house.Besides, electricity was gone,and a dim candle made do it.There was darkness everywhere;the room was not properly lit,outside was dark and fear inspiring,the mind of the mind was darkened by the unexpected birth of a girl child.The family expected a boy to be born.And after that none showed a cheerful face in the whole room except one;the mother.The mother cried tears of joy, felt relieved from delivery pain because the birth of a child made her forget all her pains.
"Again a girl!"crying grandfather"Oh God!Are you cursing me,I have lived a good many years,I am towards the autumn of my life.I wish to see my grandson and die peacefully."The mother's face suddenly became pale out of sorrow and shame over the grandfather's complaint."What happens if the child is not a boy,look at her, she's very pretty and innocent,she will be a good daughter"the grandmother somehow handled the situation.
The grandfather left the room wiping his tears.The grandmother consoled the mother that the grandfather didn't mean as such."Don't be sad over your father's words,his expectation and reality hurt him and made him say those words"said the grandmother while wiping off tears from the mother's eyes.
The father was not visibly sad of the birth of a baby girl but was not so happy either.He was not happy enough even to congratulate the mother.He didn't even kiss the baby.It seemed as if it was nothing special to be happy about.He didn't even ask the mother whether she was alright or needed anything.The father went off to sleep without even saying goodnight.The mother alone sat and looked at the wonderful gift of God,embrace her to her bossom and rubbed her gently.She could not take off her eyes from the baby.Although not everyone was happy,mother alone thanked God the whole night for a gift so wonderful.

This is the birth of the mysterious girl.The mystery starts in this chapter itself when no one was happy yet the mother alone thanked God the whole night for a wonderful daughter.
Dear readers,correct me at my flaws and praise me when my work is worthy of praise.Be neutral when you read the story.
Useful feedbacks are accepted. be continued with new chapter soon.

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