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She transcends this realm
Her essence is rarely felt
She is your calm quiet

You reach out to her
You want to caress her face
She allows a touch

Her skin is lively
She pulses with energy
You feel empowered

She embraces you
Your skin dances at her touch
Your heart starts to race

She envelops you
Your heart knows that it wants her
Hers reciprocates

You are euphoric
She requests a gentle kiss
She is so lovely

She fulfills your needs
How could you ever say no?
Her lips meet with yours

Your eyes are closed now
You can see into her mind
She is filled with love

She asks for your hand
She wants to take you somewhere
You give her your hand

You are pulled away
Your body begins to fade
You have transcended

She shows you her form
She is mother of the Earth
You weep for her loss

Her only words are
"There is no loss great enough
For you to shed tears"

Her power flows free
Earth starts to repair itself
Your home is better

She descends with you
The choice to stay here is yours
"Must I be alone?"

You ascend again
You will never be lonely
She is always near

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