"No, Ced," I warned.

"Just some drinks," he pleaded.

"Have you seen the back of the jeep?" I asked incredulously. Vivi joined me and was looking at Cedric like he'd grown another head.

"Dude where does all this go?" she asked and Cedric flexed, smirking. Vivi turned pink. I saw George slip into the grocery store, a determined look on his face and I knew it was probably to take revenge on Alexa. Keith had stopped too and I walked over to him.

"You could've just come with us in the jeep," I said.

"In case you haven't noticed, the jeep is completely crammed. Where do you intend for me to sit?"

I shrugged. "In the back?"

He rolled his eyes and got into his car.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" I shouted.

"Come back when you've got common sense!" Keith replied. I rolled my eyes and walked to Dylan, who was talking to some boy in an Audi. He saw me watching and waved me over.

"Levi, this is my friend Chloe. Chloe, Levi."

I smiled and shook the cute guy's hand. His black hair was in a man bun and I noticed he had a dimple. For some reason, he looked familiar.

"I feel like I've seen you around..." I said.

"What's your full name?" Levi asked.

"Chloe Everett."

"Yes, our parents know each other."

"Do you go to Stafford High?"

"No I'm at André Academy, the private school."

I nodded. "I must've seen you at one of those stupid balls and banquets."

"You hate them too?"

Dylan chuckled. "Chloe's not your typical rich girl. That would be Vivian."

"Anyways, pleasure to meet you. I gotta go," Levi said. I waved and walked back to the jeep. Cedric got behind the wheel and George called shotgun again. Dylan sat beside me where Cedric had previously been and I noticed he had a smile on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"What?" he asked.

"Why are you grinning like a girl?"

"Do I need a reason to be happy?"

"Um, yes?"





"Shut up!" Vivi and Alexa said.

Dylan and I laughed.

We were on a highway when George suddenly announced "I need to pee."

I looked up the nearest gas station.

"Half an hour away. Just hold it for half an hour," I said.

"What? No! I can't...!" he whined like a girl, in a high pitched voice. I rolled my eyes.

"This is a highway, we can't pull over," Cedric said.

"Guys! GUYS! I need to pee! NOW!"

"Dude, we can't stop, just hold it!" Vivi said.

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