Part 1 : New Life

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(Wandas POV)
Wanda arrives at queens international airport, she hurrys out and puts on a hood and glasses to hide her identity

Wanda : "Oh my god!"

Wanda walks the streets and is amazed by the city lights at night
She gets into an ally and uses her powers sneaks up the building to the top to see the view

Wanda : "This is such a beautiful view...if only you were here to see it"

Wanda pulls out a picture of her and pietro together and rubs the picture

Wanda : "New life is ahead of me, And I promise I will live the life you dreamt of Pietro"

Wanda puts the picture back into her pocket and embraces the view one final time before heading back down
Wanda climbs back onto the ally but before she can get away she gets stopped by two thugs

Thug 1 : Wow look right here, lonely girl fat from home?"

The thugs laugh

Wanda : "Why does it matter to you?"
Thug #2 : Woah, she has an accent, which means shes scary"

Wanda trying not to use her powers backs off
She then notices a dark figure climbing around on the wall behind them

Thug #1 : "where you going bitch, scared of us"
Peter : "Nah shes scared of whats behind you guys"

Both the thugs turn around and see Spiderman

Peter : "Sup guys, really late to start shit dont you think?"

One of the thugs pulls out a gun and fires at Peter but he dodges

Peter : "My turn"

Peter grabs the thugs gun with his web and then wacks the other thug with it, he then proceeds to kick the remaining thug to the wall

Peter : "Now guys, dont go screwing around with people, you hear!"

The thugs get up and run away

Peter : "Assholes"

Peter turns around and sees that the girl he rescued is scared

Peter : "Ummm...hello there"

Wanda looks at Peter but then instantly recognizes him from the airport fight in Germany

Peter : "So no General Kenobi...anyway those guys are gone, your safe now"
Wanda : "Thank...You"

Peter waves goodbye and web slings away

Wanda tries to see which direction he was heading but loses him

Wanda : "Who was he?"

End Credits (Spiderman X Scarlett Witch) Where stories live. Discover now