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The alarm clock rang and everyone woke up, (Y/N) goes to the bathroom first and brushes her teeth and her brothers do the same, Ritsu had already been eating at the table with his parents, (Y/N) and Mob arrive a few minutes later, due to her taking too long in the bathroom.

Dimple starts floating around (Y/N) and they both have eye contact, she glares at him and he chuckles slightly, she takes a deep breath and starts eating whatever their mom had prepared.

(Y/N) holds Mob's hand and places her head on his shoulder "I'm so grateful for you and your family, Shige", he just lets out a soft smile in response. It's just that if it weren't for them she'd be dead by now.

Again, Mob's phone rang, it's basically his job, exorcising spirits whenever his boss asked for it.

"B-but you just woke up..." Ritsu complained, upset that his siblings will have to leave soon.

(Y/N) and Shige got dressed up and head up to Reigen's office, it was pretty much their daily routine.

"The spirit is hiding inside of a cave, or so I heard, maybe you two could do it? I'm too lazy because the spirit is too weak for me!" Reigen complained.

"Oh okay!" They both nod in response and head to the cave with their boss.

(Y/N) was pretty frightened despite having her powers, the place looked scary to her.

"Huh, are you afraid (Y/N)? you don't look calm at all, you're shaking" Dimple said.

"M-Me? A-afraid? S-s-suuure. I-'I'm j-j-j-just c-cold" She says as her voice cracked.

"But we're in August (Y/N)" Dimple replied to her

"U-ugh... D-dimple y-you a-a-always have to e-embarrass me... " She took a deep breath and accidentally made eye contact with her boss again, who was just standing by her right side.

"UGH!" She turned her head away and put her hands on her face.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Reigen asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Y-Yes I'm j-j-just a-a b-bit cold! U-m hahaaa!" She covered her blushing face.

"(Y/N), I can sense fear in your eyes, is anything wrong?"

(Y/N) sighed and removed her hands from her face, as soon as she did, he held her hand.

"You're afraid of it aren't you?"

"Okay, Maybe." She felt better at the act, which calmed her down and made her feel safer.

Dimple smirked at (Y/N) to tease her and she glared at him, Shigeo was just pretending that he wasn't seeing anything.

"I can sense the spirit..." Mob said, "yeah, me too" she replied.
The spirit showed up and threatened to kill them, it was extremely strong, Mob would always get rid of them with a finger snap, but this time that wasn't enough.
"(Y/N) help me!" And with that, both (Y/N) and Mob exprcised the spirit as they used their power's strength to the max and united it.

(Y/N) was out of breath, she passed out on the floor.
"(Y/N)!!" Shigeo shouted as he kneeled down with tears on his face.
"I guess its time to possess her body now!" Dimple smirked.
"What did you just say?" Mob's response.
"Oh... I-I mean... nothing, I forgot..."
"Looks like (Y/N) passed out due to the energy she used..." Reigen said, as he picked her up and headed with everyone back at his office.
"When do you think (Y/N) will wake up?" Dimple started to actually worry for real now...
"I have no clue..." as soon as he walked next to his office/shop, he ordered them to stay infront of it until he came back. He went to his house and placed (Y/N) on his bed then headed back to Mob and Dimple.
"Sorry it would have been easier to let her in my house since its not that far."
Mob nodded to the phrase, "do you think (Y/N) will be ok, Shishou?'
"Oh Im sure so, you two had been in my apartment already, she will know where she is then will call once she wakes up."
Mob and Reigen stayed in his office, when it got too late, he went back home with Dimple, but (Y/N) never woke up...
"Hey Shige, where's (Y/N)?" His mom asked
"Oh... She used too much power at once and passed out, right now shes with Shishou..." he rubbed the back of his head.
"What!? My poor daughter! What if she dies!? Why did you not call a hospital!?"
"Well mom... This has to do with psychic powers, not any normal sickness... You see..."
Reigen just went back home and changed to his teddy pijamas (lol pic above) and waited for (Y/N) to wake up as he laid on the couch, every now and then he would turn his head to see if she woke up or not.
(Y/N) started waking up about 5 hours after, she was a bit confused due to her surroundings until she remembered where she was and what happened, her eyes went everywhere, and landed where her boss was, and he was sleeping.
"Shishou... Brought me here..." She blushed and held her hands on her chest, feeling her heartbeat. "Why did it have to be him out of everyone on the world...?" She wondered, and got up to go to the bathroom. The sound of its door woke her boss up who was relieved at her being conscious.
"Seems like you woke up (Y/N)" Reigen said as soon as she got out of the bathroom.
"Well yeah... Thank you for taking me with you..."
"Oh you're welcome (Y/N)..." He sat to let her sit beside him and turned on the tv.
"Well do you want to see the news"? He asked her.

"But Shishou you just woke up you can go back to sleep its 3 am!"

"Oh don't worry, I wasn't even in a deep sleep."
"Do you want to watch cartoons?"
"Hm... Cartoons." She chose, and sat beside him.
Reigen pat her head. "You're a very strong girl, you know that."
And (Y/N)'s heart rushed, she started crying and hugged him.
"Shishou... I..."
"I love you, quite a lot... Do you want to go out with me?"
"You WHAT!?"

Reigen Arataka x Psychic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now