" Thank god , cause my phone sure did just die." She laughed pulling it out and sat it in her lap.

" Alright I'ma head out , Fat and I gone drop his car off tomorrow morning. So whenever it's time for him to come home you can drive." She said making Nasir nod in agreement.

Kita gathered her purse and started to head towards the door but before she could walk out Nasir made sure to stop her.

" Kita...you think Key could stay with us for a minute , maybe a week or two ? Until his uncle  is able to fully get off..." She nervously asked not really knowing what she would says

But she knew Key would need some help , as time progressed and he needed to heal. Kita chuckled as she started ahead at her.

" Girl I was ten steps ahead of you already. We going to get his clothes and stuff too." She said making Nasir smile and push a piece of her falling hair behind her hair thank you.

" Thank you Kita." She said smiling , before watching Kita give her a small smile back before disappearing around the corner .

Her hands , were still in Key's as he slept. She was trying to process everything still , almost losing the person she cared about the most.

Yea Nasir wasn't the best with expressing her feelings , and the things that ran through her head. But without a doubt in her mind she knew she cared about him...and she didn't know where they were taking their relationship.

But she did know that eventually those soft caring feelings she had for him would turn into love. And it had hit her a little earlier then she expected it to.

" I would have went crazy if I lost..." She whispered out still gently caressing her thumb against his hand.

Markeyvius body started to shift around in the bed , making Nasir immediately sit up removing the bag that was in her lap.

She gave him a moment to see if he would completely wake up before making a move. Watching him closely , she watched as his eyes began to flutter open.

Hearing him groan , she slowly stood up from the chair making him turn his attention over towards him.

" Why you just looking at me like that." He groaned out having somewhat of an attitude in his voice as he tried to adjust himself in the bed but was having hard time.

" I- sorry." She mumbled out turning away from him and sat back down in her chair letting go of his hand that she finally realized she was still holding onto.

The room went silent for a moment , beside the small whimpers of Key trying to sit himself up. Due to him being shot in the leg and lower stomach , he was having a lot of bottom pain more than anything.

" I can't wait to slide on em' niggas." He spoke angrily making Nasir turn towards him knitting her eyebrows together.

" You don't need to do that...I think you need to give it a rest Key..we all do." Nasir responded to him crossing her legs over one another again.

Glaring over at her , he made a face and shook his head turning back around. Before he could even open his mouth to speak a short African American lady with brown curly hair had walked into their room. Slight blonde highlights in her hair , and she wore a pretty smile.

She was the nurse that had been coming in , and checking on both Nasir and Markeyvius.

" I see your up Mr.Cathey." Mr.Bree the nurse smiled as she walked around towards Key's side of the bed. She had a clipboard in her hands were she jotted down a few notes and made a few adjustments to the machines next to his bed.

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