"Mmm yes, Parker never went with the trust fund route and paved his way through school and trying to build the company. My Carter was the same as well." Maria said with a sense of pride

"Is it true about Parker's family?"

"Oh, yea. Very well to do. The definition of old Irish money." 

"So.. how are we going to casually place these two in the same room again?" Ben said drumming his fingers together.

"Oh.. I have a perfect plan. Don't you worry," she said grinning and began to tell him about a casual party she was going to have.


Parker slammed the front door to his apartment slightly harder than he should have. 

Loosening his tie, he went to the three-tiered silver cart that housed his extensive selection of liquor. He poured himself a glass and sat on his go-to chair that was his office chair by the window.

Today was just another day of what it was like to own your own business. It was frustrating, but it also was enjoyable. However today, he was just frustrated with the company he was working with.

They went against his advice which resulted in their system being hacked, and of course, they point the blame to him yet again. 

Taking a deep breath he let it all out and enjoyed the traffic below him.

He let his mind wander to the brown-eyed beauty from days ago. The jet black hair that went down to just above her waist. Her voice just made him relax and want to stare.

His phone rang and it was Carter calling.

"Hey man,  you coming over?" he could hear the house filled with the chatter of people.

"I don't think I'm up for it." he sighed thinking of having to chat with a bunch of people that were not in his circle.

"Dude, just come over. It will be fine. Forget about the long week. You should blow off some steam with us." Carter convinced him

"Fine. I'll come over after winding down a little." he agreed

He took a hot shower to relax his muscles. Picked out jeans and a black t-shirt and in classic man style, just ran his fingers through his wet hair and let it dry out. 

He took a bottle of whiskey that was still packaged so he wouldn't arrive empty-handed.

Carter and Maria lived nearby so he decided to take advantage of the cooling weather and walk over. 

As he approached their apartment he could see their guests walking about in front of the wide window that faced the road.

He rang the bell and was greeted by Maria herself.

"Parks! Carter told me you were thinking of not coming. I'm glad you did anyway." she hugged him and told him he could place the bottle with the others.

He surveyed the room and headed to the guys.

"Hey fellas." they eased into conversation. Occasionally one of them would eye up Maria's friend.

Parker silently let them do so. Except when Steven seemed to be in a daze.

"Woah. I've not seen her before," he said.

Carter chimed in "Yea, that's Kassia. We met  her in Montauk initially and she and Maria hit it off."

Parker wanted to turn around right away but had to find it in him to play cool.

"Man.. what a classic beauty." Steven seemed to continue staring.

"Oh, yea. When I was first starting she was one of my first clients. She's pretty awesome." Herman said and Parker wanted to laugh at how small this city was.

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