one day!

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ben and Callum had been having a secret relationship for a few months and it was two days before Callum and Whitney's wedding and ben tried one last time to get Callum to choose him over Whitney and be together. 

ben was sat on the sofa with Lexi watching the telly, it which he grabbed his phone and texted Callum *hey cal, I need to try one last time, just give me one last day with you, to give you a little inside it was life with me is like, and after if you still want to marry whit then I will leave you alone and you will never hear from me again,.... ben xxx* he places his phone on the table and cuddled Lexi. 

Callum was sat in the pub with mick when he read the text from ben * hey ben, I knew that you wouldn't give up that fast and you have 24 hours starting from 6 pm tonight....c xxx*

ben heard his phone buzz and slowly picked it up and saw it was from Callum and clicked open and smiled as he read them message * I would never give up on you that fast babe, I will pick you up at 6 pm then from then Vic...Ben xxx* 

the rest of the day went by pretty fast, ben had booked the hotel, and the restaurant took Lexi to the park, written a letter  to Callum confessing his feelings and everything that he is feeling and then by 5:55 he was sat in his car outside the pub waiting for Callum, Callum walked out of the pub and automatically spots bens car and opens the door and climbs in.

ben smiles " thank you for allowing me one last day with you and to try one last time"

Callum smiled back " no need to thank  me, babe, I wanted to spend one more day with you as well, "

they drive off and head to the other side of London to a five-star hotel that ben head booked for them they park the car and walking in hand in hand. they check in to their room, 

Ben sits on the bed and looks up at his lover" Cal I need you to listen to me and not say a word till I have finished, can you do that?"

Callum was confused but nodding" of course," he sat on the bed next to ben 

Ben took a deep breath" There's a reason that I don't want to lose you Cal, and that reason is I have fallen in love with you, I thought that this feeling of love and happiness died when paul did, I didn't think I could ever feel like this again, paul was my first and you are my last hopefully, I love you so much Cal and the thought of losing you completely when you marry whit it killing me. I never want to think of you being and sharing a bed or sharing anything with anyone other than me, you belong with me, Cal, we fit together perfectly, you never see me for who im not, you see me for me and not the name,  you made my heart jump and skip a beat just by walking down the road and just looking at me. you are always in my head Cal, you are always in my heart and you remain there forever even if you choose whit" Ben turns to Callum and grabs his hands" I'm in love with you Callum highway, you are my life, you are my endgame," ben stops talking and places his lips on Callum's cheek and then pulls away, lets a single tear fall "I can't lose you, Cal" 

Callum finds it hard to hide what he is feeling, doesn't say a word just leans forward and kisses ben softly. Ben doesn't hesitate and kisses Callum back softly

Callum pulls away slightly " you will never lose me completely ben, no matter what happens when we get home, I promise you"

Ben nods "come on let's show you the soft side of ben Mitchell eh" ben smiles as he stands up

Callum chuckles" soft side eh" as he stands up

"don't get to use to it " ben chuckles as he opens the door for Callum "after you" 

 Callum smiled, they spent the day in town shopping, walking hand in hand without a care in the world, the at lunch in the 5-star restaurant  then headed back to the hotel, and went back to there room, 

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