Chapter 1 - A new beginning

Start from the beginning

"Easy now, love." He said, "You might get some blood on your pretty dress." He mocked.

"Who are you?!" You asked, looking up to meet his eyes. He was handsome. Part of you hated to admit that to yourself.

"Jacob Frye. Who might you be?" He stepped back from the body and you walked around it, "You seem rather unphased by the fact I've just murdered someone in front of you." He added.

"Y/N." You muttered, glancing down at the body, "It is not the first time I have witnessed such things." You admitted, "How do you murder so easily? Do you not feel ashamed." You had heard rumours about the Frye twins that had come to town causing havoc to everything but you didn't think you'd ever be acquainted. You scanned his face, taking note of his charming features.

"Oh, my apologies, miss. You're very welcome for saving your life!" He said sarcastically, "I already killed 8 others inside the factory." He shrugged.

"8 people?!" You exclaimed.

"Ah, right. I forget I shouldn't blurt out such things to rich snobs I've just met." He responded with his eyes rolling. Your mouth opened slightly, in complete shock, "Close your gob, love. I might get the wrong idea. You're very attractive. Shame I'd rather avoid people who do not wish to be dirtied."


"People who do not wish to be dirtied..." You muttered in a mocking tone as you pulled on some trousers, a blouse and a jacket, "I'll show him..." You pulled some boots up your legs and hid away your hair under a hat.

Luckily, your mother was out so you didn't have to explain the drastic change of outfit and lack of Harold. You didn't have the foggiest idea how you were to explain that Harold wouldn't be visiting again. You skipped down the stairs. You had never been able to do so previously due to the lack of oxygen and huge gown trailing behind you. 

You exited the house and felt the breeze dance across your face. You felt free, unrestricted. You knew exactly where you were headed. Whitechapel. You had heard many times that the Frye twins were usually there. You lived in Westminster so you had quite the distance to travel. You decided taking a carriage would be your best bet.

You eventually found yourself in Whitechapel and asked around as to where you'd find the notorious man. You found yourself outside a fighting ring.

You entered the building cautiously. People were cheering over a fight that was going on. You approached the ring and saw a woman. She was besting everyone, it was rather impressive. She didn't even break a sweat.

"Fancy seeing you here, miss." Jacobs voice sounded from behind you, "A place like this doesn't suit you, love." He placed his hand on your lower back, "Perhaps I should take you home, hmm?"

"No, Mr. Frye. I am here to fight. I will show you I am not just a rich snob." You folded your arms.

"Oh, really?" He smirked, clearly teasing you, "C'mon, I'll even let you drive the carriage back."

"I wish to be dirtied!" You blurted out, causing the crowd to stop and stare at you, including the woman in the ring.

She leaped over the barrier and approached you and Jacob, removing cloth wrapped around her knuckles as she did so. She smirked, clearly amused by the situation.

"What have you done now, Jacob? Messing with more women, no doubt."

"Evie," Jacob said, hurt by her words, "I don't mess around with women. Only a few times and that was back in Crawley." He corrected, "I was just taking Miss Y/N home."

"Why not stay? I've run out of competitors." Evie smiled at you.

"Oh, she can't-"

"I'd be happy to." You interrupted Jacobs words but he seemed amused at how eager you were.

He held his hands up in defeat when you glared in his direction. You made your way to the ring and removed the same amount of clothing Evie did. Jacob pushed his way to the front of the crowd and leaned on the barriers to watch.

Evie didn't make the first move so it was up to you. You stepped forward and without a moments notice, Evie grabbed your arm and spun you then pinned you to the ground.

You heard Jacobs laughter. He hopped over the barrier and helped you back onto your feet, "That was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen," He laughed loudly, collected your things and escorted you outside.

"No need to rub it in." You frowned and rubbed the back of your head.

"You're more interesting than you let on." Jacob smiled as he looked you up and down, "Tell you what... how about I train you? Give you some fighting tips. Then you can come back here and take me on yourself."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I guess I'll have to make up some other excuse to see you." 

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