Chapter 2: Class introduction

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"Hey Kim, if you don't mind, Can I put you in my blog?" you asked him

"Of course! I don't mind" he said happily

Soon enough, you turned on you camera, and started to blog 

"Hey Everyone! {Y/n} Here!" you went over to the side and put your arm around kim

"And this lovely gentlemen over here, is my bestfriend Kim! He is nice enough to show me around in the classrooms since I couldn't earlier" you said with joy

Kim only waved at the camera, with an awkward smile on his face

~Mintues later~

After a while of you blogging and Kim showing you around the school once more and all the places you might've missed, it was fun and you both had a great time

"Wow, the classrooms look way cooler than my old school!" You said excited while still holding your phone

"And if you don't mind Dear bestfriend of mine, Who's your favorite hero so far?"

"I-I don't, My favorite  hero so far would have to be Kind monkey Of course!" Kim said as he was practically jumping up and down

"Oh yeah, he was one of the new heros so far, I'll make sure to talk about him sometime too!" you said as you smiled at him

"Well that's all for now! If you see kim around make sure to say hi to him, See ya in the next blog!, Catch you guys on the flipside!!" You waved bye at the camera and you turned it off

"Thanks for being in my blog Kim!" you said happily to him

"It's no problem I had a lot of fun doing it with you!" he said with joy in his tone

As you both were walking down the stairs, it was already almost 8 o'clock so more people had already come onto school grounds, a couple more people had walked up to you guys,

"OH HEY YOUR {Y/N} FROM BACKGROUND BLOG RIGHT??" Said a girl with frizzy blonde hair

"Oh yeah are you from Background blog?" said a girl with dyed purple tips on her hair

"Your {Y/n} right?" said a smaller girl with shorter blonde hair

"Oh you must be from Background blog?" said a taller boy with black and blonde tips at the end of his hair

Everyone was talking all at once so you couldn't really make out the sentences they were saying, Kim stepped in

"Yeah, their from background blog" he said calmly

"I- It's nice to meet you guys" you said awkwardly

And just like that the bell rang

"AWW MAN" said everyone

"Don't worry, You all seem like nice people so I'll see you guys at break right?" you asked

they nodded and you went on with your classes

~Hours later~ 

Break came around, so you met everyone all at the same spot, you were looking around the yard again, it was very cool to you, everyone was all infront of you

"Hey there!" you said "alright lemme explain couple things, I'm {Y/n} As you all might know already, I just tranferred here since my father had to come to paris for a new moive he was starring in" you said

"Oh wow! that's pretty cool" said the girl with frizzy blonde hair

"I'm Mylene, nice to meet you" she said happily 

"Why me?" Luka Couffaine X Reader {Gender Neutral}Where stories live. Discover now