It was true, Parker now towered at 6'3'' and Amelia was still tall but it was hard to imagine her tackling him.

"I think at one point God felt terrible for me and just snapped his fingers saying it's time." and they all laughed.

Henry took them all for dinner afterward and Parker observed everything about Henry. It was what brothers did.

Henry never once bragged about himself but got to know more about Parker and their family. Most guys would try to brag about themselves but not this guy.

"You never mentioned what you did Henry." curiosity finally got to him.

"Henry is the top surgical resident in the cardio division. He worked three jobs and worked really hard to get himself to school and his younger brother as well." Amelia said proudly and held his hand.

Henry look slightly embarrassed at that praise "Amelia... as you can tell is proud of me. I just.. needed to do what I needed to do. But yes I work at the hospital." he ran his hair through his hair.

Parker knew his sister had found a good one for sure. "How'd you guys meet?" curiosity struck yet again.

Henry answered this time. "Well... I was at the ER working a shift and your sister walked in with a friend that was slightly inebriated" 

Parker laughed "Was it Sarah?" he knew that friend was at Stamford a few years ago.

"Yes.. Yes it was."

"So Sarah was brought in and I was treating her. Amelia got my attention by saying I was to make sure that she was in good hands. Being real bossy for someone who was kind of intoxicated I must say. So I had to put her in the waiting room while I checked Sarah out. When I went back to the waiting room she had fallen asleep. I was just getting off my shift and told her Sarah was good and she could go. She gave me a really pathetic look saying she had nowhere to go. I offered my couch for her and she made me promise not to rape her."

"That was just my way of getting the hot resident to take me home." she winked

"Suuure honey." he laughed. "I was a perfect gentleman. I dropped her off the next day not realizing that she had left her number on my desk at home. I was even kicking myself for not asking for it when I dropped her off."

"It was unnerving for me hoping that he would find my number..."

"I found it 36 hours later after my shift. But when I found it I made sure to make plans to visit her the following weeks."

"The rest is history." she smiled

"I have to say it anyway though Henry. Hurt her and I'll hurt you." they laughed once again.

Henry had called him a couple of months ago asking for his blessing to propose and he gladly said yes. 

They were 5 years strong and he couldn't see his sister with anyone else. He was levelheaded and matched his sister's impulsiveness.

Bentleys and Range Rovers were lined up the driveway and his new Audi fit in seamlessly. He felt slightly proud because just a few years ago he was on a scooter and then a 10-year-old Honda that broke down every other week.

He checked his phone to see where his buddies were and they were on the way. 

"Guess I don't have a choice." he said to himself and walked to the huge oak doors and went in.

Immediately he could hear the smooth jazz in the background and their expansive glass doors that led to the backyard were fully opened. 

The smell of the ocean was in the air as the beach was just steps from the back yard. Memories from when they had just moved in here came back to him.

He was just 10 years old and Amelia 15, they were wide eyed and in awe of their new home. That feeling never went away from him.

An elegant lady walked right up to him "Honey... it's been too long. Welcome home." his mother hugged him.

Her dark brown hair now with some slight silver threaded through hadn't made her to seem older, but more.. classic.

"Mom.. you look beautiful as always."

"Everyone is out back. Come on down." she wound her arm around his and the caught up.

"There is the new tech wizard!" his uncle said out loud and most of the guests had turned to see him. He shook hands and gave hugs and made small talk until he reached his sister and Henry.

"Parker!" his sister hugged him. 

She was glowing and Henry was too.

"Hey man, congratulations." he said and shook hands

"Thank you Parker."

"You like?!!" she flashed her ring.

Parker knew nothing about diamonds but knew Henry must've spent quite a bit because it was a blinding rock.

"Jeez sis. You have security detail following you around at all times?" he joked.

"Parker found the most amazing private jeweler in NYC. She's truly a magician. Carter actually is meeting with her soon." she gushed.

That was no surprise to him. Carter was looking to settle down with his girl and rings were the talk amongst their friend circle.

"She really was so patient with me especially. God knows I was lost." Henry laughed.

Carter had just walked in and made a beeline for them, two glasses in hand.

"Thanks man." Parker needed a drink because he knew at any moment, he would be questioned about his love life.

"Parker honey! So nice to see you. No girlfriend?" straight to the point this time as one of his aunts smiled at him.

"No.. no. Not yet." he took a long sip of bourbon and noticed everyone trying not to laugh.

"Life has a funny way of handling these things aunty. No need to worry about Parker." Amelia said to the rescue.

The rest of the evening went by smoothly and he managed to get through a few people wanting to arrange him a date. He graciously said sure.

Because why not?

After everything was done.. he gunned his Audi and made his way back to the city. 

Sure, he was ready to share his life, his ups and downs with someone. 

Deep down he knew he'd get what his sister had. 

Just when the universe was ready.

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