Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls

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But there was an expression overwhelmed with excitement spread across his features. He looked almost as if he might cry.

Mara's face brightened.


Nathaniel reached her, and then wrapped his arms around her in another embrace. He was hugging her tightly, as if he were afraid that she would disappear if he let go of her.

"I saw you taking over the town, and I knew that something was wrong" he said, his voice dripping with worry. "I tried to get to that pyramid in the sky, but Pacifica took me to this safehouse before I could get a chance."

Pacifica scoffed.

"More like knocked you out, and dragged you here" she said.

Nathaniel ignored her.

"I've been cooped up in here worried sick about you."

Mara smiled.

"There was really no need to worry. I'm okay."

"Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine. Although, I have been getting a few headaches lately, almost as if Bill's still in my head."

Nathaniel jumped and let go of her immediately, though Mara had a huge, mischievous smirk on her face.

She laughed.

"You're too easy."

Nathaniel shrugged sheepishly, though there was a very subtle blush that appeared very briefly on his cheeks.

Dipper looked around at everyone in the shack.

"So, what's everyone doing here?" he asked, just as two lilliputtians walked right past his feet. He jumped in shock at the sight of them.

"Yeah, there's like monsters and gnomes" said Mabel.

She then gestured towards Pacifica.

"Is Pacifica wearing a potato sack?"
Pacifica was not wearing her usual purple outfit. Instead, she was wearing dull purple rags that did, indeed, resemble a potato sack.

She frowned at her.

"Hey, even in this sack, I still look better than you" she snapped, as she pointed at Mabel.

The multi-bear shrugged.

"Ish. It's a long story."
The wax head of Larry King was sitting in the air vent near the stairs.

"Hey, is anyone gonna feed me?" he asked. "Larry King's disembodied wax head wants num nums."
Grenda frowned at him.

"We're trying to ration our food, remember?"

However, Larry King's head started chew on her ponytail.

Grenda looked at him uncomfortably.

"Uh, it's happening again!"

The multi bear slid the air vent shut, and Grenda's ponytail was free once again.

"Hey everyone!" someone new exclaimed, and they all turned to see one of the manotaurs pointing towards the open door of the shack.

There appeared by be an eyeball bat with a red beam flying near the building.

"Eyebat!" he yelled.

Everyone gasped, and quickly got down onto the ground.

"Invasive maneuvers!" cried one of the gnomes.

Stan immediately got up, and slammed the front door of the shack shut. He then hurried over towards the triplets, and pushed their heads down.

"Shh, keep it down!"

Gravity Falls Pines Triplets (Original Version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang