Little Gift Shop of Horror

Start from the beginning

"Mabel, register duty" he said. "You know what to do."

"Of course I do!" said Mabel cheerfully. "Press random buttons on the magic number machine thingy on the counter!"

"You mean the cash register?"

"You say potato, I say curly fries' mommy."

And with that, she scampered off towards the counter.

Stan then walked up to Mara.

"And Mara, quit using your brother as a guinea pig."

A trembling Dipper was sitting on a short stool anxiously, and Mara had been about to pour a purple substance in a test tube onto his head.

Dipper breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aw, but we made a bet!" she said. "And Dipper lost, so he's subject to participate in my experiments all day. Besides, this one is actually supposed to help him."

She held up the purple liquid that she had been about to pour onto Dipper's head.

"But working in the gift shop is much more important than science experiments" Dipper said quickly, glad for an excuse. He grabbed the vial out of her hands, afraid that she might try and use it on him anyways, and stuck it into his vest pocket for safekeeping.

"So I'll see you later, Mara."

And with that, he hurriedly scampered off before she could stop him.

Mara looked a bit upset.

"What'd you do that for?" she said to Stan.

"Because I need all the hands that I can get working in the gift shop" he said.

"But you of all people should understand the terms of a bet."

"Mara, none of your problems are really of great concern to me" he said carelessly.

Mara's jaw dropped in shock as her eyes widened, the force of his words hitting her like a concrete wall.

Inside, Stan was slightly cursing himself. That statement had come out wrong, and he knew that it was too late to take his words back. He hoped that Mara had just brushed them off, but unfortunately it looked like her face was starting to turn red in fury.

"None of my problems are really of great concern to you?!" she exclaimed, her fists clenching at her sides. "Am I really not important enough to you that you don't even care about my problems?"

"Look, kid, of course I care about your problems" Stan countered, as he fumbled for an excuse to try and correct his previous statement. "It's just your minor issues that I can't stand."

Those were the wrong words.

"My minor issues?!" exclaimed Mara furiously, her eyes filled with rage. "So tell me, Stan, what are these minor issues of mine that you just can't stand?"

Now Stan was starting to get angry.

There was a storm outside that was starting to brew, dark clouds were gathering and the rain was starting to pour down. The turbulent weather only reflected the intensity of the argument.

"How about that stubborn head? Or your disputatious attitude? Or all the devices of destruction that are carelessly littered all over the attic?!"

Mara and Stan were now having an intense and furious staredown as they argued, and everyone else that was in the gift shop was too afraid to intervene.

"I'm nothing but a nuisance to you, aren't I?" said Mara angrily. "I bet you don't even need me."

"Well, maybe I don't."

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