"Oh come on, Mara, lighten up!" said Mabel. "Where's that smile?"

Mara glared, and Mabel grabbed her sister's mouth and forced it up into a smile. Mara pushed her sister away.

The man in the suit held up a document to Stan. "Just sign here" he said.

Red flags went up in Mara's mind. Now they wanted his signature. If this was a trick like she suspected, they would need his signature to verify something official. Something was definitely wrong here.

"Grunkle Stan, don't do it!" Mara exclaimed as Stan picked up a pen to write his signature. "It's a trick!"

Grunkle Stan acted as if he hadn't heard her, but he secretly turned his head towards her and winked, smirking as he did so.

Mara relaxed after he had done that. So he was aware too, and wasn't going to sign the document for real.

Stan then wrote on the document.

Suddenly, Gideon burst threw the huge check that the two women were holding. He laughed triumphantly as he pointed at Stan.

"Stanford, you fool!" he proclaimed as he snatched the document. "You just signed over the Mystery Shack to wittle old me!"

Gideon started doing a little victory dance in the spurt of his joy.

Mabel and Dipper gasped, while Mara smirked.
"I called it" she said in a cool manner. She knew that Stan had not signed his actual name on the document.

"Uh, you might wanna take another look there" said Stan confidently. Gideon held up the document and looked at the bottom of the page. He started reading aloud.

"The Shack is hereby signed over to-"

Gideon's eyes widened when he saw Stan's signature.

"Suck a lemon little man?!"

Stan and Mara burst out laughing. Gideon ripped the document in half and seethed at them.

"How dare you?!"

Dipper and Mabel then joined in the laughing as well.

"I am not a threat to be taken lightly!" exclaimed Gideon angrily. He then reached up with his hands to signal the man in the suit to lift him, but unfortunately the man didn't seem to understand, leaving Gideon in a ridiculous position on the ground.

"I need your arms, hon" said Gideon to clarify what he meant, and the man then picked him up to Stan's level.

"I'll get you, Stanford Pines" he bellowed as the man walked backwards out of the shack. "And I'll get you too, Mara Pines. I'll get you all!"

But none of them seemed to take his threat seriously, that is everyone except for Mara.

"Guys, he's serious" said Mara. "I know he may seem like a joke, but we were so close to signing over the Mystery Shack to him, and so I think we need to take precautions..."

Stan only laughed at what she said.

"What, that kid? He's half your size without that wig. Besides, when do you of all people take precautions?"

"That's the mistake that everyone makes: underestimating your enemy. You can never be too prepared. Now that we know what he's after, we'll have a much easier time preparing for the next attack" she explained.

Mara was dead serious, but everyone else was looking at her as if she had just spoken another language.

"Wanna see what else is on TV while Killjoy over here makes plans to stop that pig in a suit?" asked Stan as the rest of them started to walk back over to the TV.

Gravity Falls Pines Triplets (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now