Time Traveller's Pig

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The man then continued to sneak around the carnival, with full intentions of completing his mission.

Dipper and Mabel were helping to set up a cotton candy stand. However, none of them knew how to work the cotton candy-making machine, which was currently spinning a huge, messy pink goop.

"Where's Mara?" asked Dipper frustratedly. "The carnival starts in like five minutes!"

As if on cue, Mara suddenly came bursting out of the Mystery Shack wearing a tan backpack and an eager expression on her face.

"Guess what, guys!" she said excitedly. "You're never going to believe what I just made!"

"A doomsday device that will destroy the entire world?" asked Dipper.

"Kitten cupcake glitter sprinkle bombs?" asked Mabel.

"No, and no" said Mara. "Ok, so I found out this morning that for some crazy reason, Nathaniel still likes me."

"What? After you held him at gunpoint?" Dipper said in disbelief.

"How do you even know he still likes you?" asked Mabel.

Mara held up the cell phone that the three of them shared. On its screen were several forgiveness texts from Nathaniel. The top of the screen read "38 more messages."

"That creep somehow got our number, and he's been texting me all morning" she said. "He says that he's going to come to the carnival today to find me. And so naturally, I started to try and think of a solution..."

"Let me guess. You finally invented the invisibility cloak?" asked Dipper.

"Yes, I actually did...until I lost it." Mara looked down at the ground. "So after I lost the invisibility cloak, a sudden thought occurred to me: why invent something that will hide me from Nathaniel, when I can invent something that will make it so that he'll forget all about me?"

She reached her hand into her backpack.


Mara pulled out a device that was shaped like a gun, except it had a lightbulb on the end of it and a piece of red glass behind the light bulb. The rest of the gun was a bronze color, and had a cylinder on the top of it. There was also a dial on the side of the device, and a screen behind it.

"The memory gun!"

Mabel looked at in in amazement, while Dipper looked rather unimpressed. After all, the device did look rather bleak compared the the other things that he had seen her create.

"So, uh, what does it do, erase the minds of the victim you shoot it with?" asked Dipper nonchalantly.

"Precisely!" said Mara. She turned the dial on the side, and showed her siblings the screen.

"You use this dial to type in the name of the person you want to erase the mind of, and bam! They will forget all about everything! Even who they are!"

"Whoa" said Mabel. "This could come in pretty handy someday! I could erase Gideon's mind and make him forget all about me!"

Mara and Mabel grinned excitedly, however Dipper took a more cautious approach.

"I don't know, Mara" he said uneasily. "This contraption actually sounds kinda...dangerous."

"Psh" said Mabel. "Where have you been all Summer? You're talking to the girl who created rocket boots, plasma blasters, and engine boosters. How's a little memory gun anymore dangerous than all that?"

"I'm just saying that this one could be used for terrible things if it falls into the wrong hands" said Dipper. "Can you imagine all the damage a contraption with the ability to erase minds completely could potentially cause? Have you even tested it yet?"

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