The Hand that Rocks the Mabel

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"Never! I forbid you from patronizing the competition! No one the lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof."

"Do tents have roofs?" asked Dipper.

Mara smirked.

"I don't believe they do."

"I think we just found our loophole!" said Mabel, holding up a string with a loop tied into it. "Literally!"

Later that night, people were heading into the Tent of Telepathy for the show. A fat man wearing a straw hat and a pink shirt was at the entrance holding up a blue sack.

"Step right in, folks, to Gideon's Tent of Telepathy! Don't forget to put your money into Gideon's Psychic Sack!" he said as tourists eagerly put money into the sack.

The triplets were already inside, sitting in the second row next to Soos.

Mabel was on the far right, Dipper on the far left, and Mara in between them. Dipper was looking around at the place.

"Whoa, this is like a bizarre-o version of the Mystery Shack" he said.

"They even have their own Soos!" said Mara, pointing at a fat handyman in the corner of the tent.

Soos narrowed his eyes at him.

Just then, the lights dimmed.

"It's starting!" said Mabel excitedly. "It's starting!"

"Lets see what this monster looks like" said Dipper.

The curtains were pulled back to reveal a tiny kid with chubby cheeks and extremely goofy white hair.

"Hello, America!" he said in a southern accent.

Mara sniggered loudly, and Mabel elbowed her.

"Welcome to the Tent of Telepathy!" Gideon continued, as several doves flew out of his poofy hair.

"That's Stan's mortal enemy?" Dipper asked, confused.

"But he's so wittle!" said Mabel.

"He looks like a pig in an Elvis costume" Mara sniggered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you guys here tonight, such a gift. I have a vision. I predict that you all will say 'Aw!'"

Gideon turned his head away from the crowd and turned it back again, posing with a cute face.

"Aw!" said everyone in the crowd except Soos, Dipper, Mara, and Mabel.

"It came true!" said Mabel, intrigued.

"What? I'm not impressed" said Dipper.

"Yeah. The kid's already proving himself to be a ripoff" said Mara.

"Oh, you're impressed!" said Mabel to her siblings.

"Hit it, Dad!" said Gideon, pointing towards the fat man from outside the tent, who started playing a song on the piano.

Gideon took off his cape and threw it into the crowd. A lady caught it excitedly, only to be pummeled by several other people.

Meanwhile, Gideon started singing:

"Oh I can see, what others can't see.

It ain't some kind of side-show trick, it's a notability,

where others are blind, I am futurely inclined

and you too could see, if you was wittle ol' me!"

Gravity Falls Pines Triplets (Original Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt