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A/n: Wow I gotta chill w the AUs.

Au: spirited away

You had no idea there was an abandoned carnival looking place down the street from your new house. It looked rather interesting to be completely honest, so being the curious kid you are, you decided to wander off and take a look. It was very neat for being a ghost town. Or, was it a ghost town? You could smell delicious food being cooked but couldn't find where it was coming from. But there was one thing in the distance that caught your eye.

A bathhouse.

A giant bathhouse, almost as tall as a skyscraper.

There was a red bridge over a long drop into an ocean that lead to the entrance, everything was traditional looking and looked pretty high maintenance, it was a surprise something this pretty would be left abandoned. You wandered into the bridge and stood on the side, looking down.

"Is that a train track?" You questioned.

You saw a train go by through the water. It must be a train track, who would put a train track in a place like that? You turned to get up and go back to the carnival looking area but came face to face with what looked like a floating mask.

You jumped, stumbling back a little.

What WAS that? A... black shadow with a white mask, purple triangles above and below the eyes... you didn't see that on the way in? It just, started. It was creepy, real creepy. Where did it come from and what was it?

"What are you doing here?!"

You jumped again, turning around to see a boy in what looked like workers robes with fluffy black hair and dark eyebags.


"You can't stay here! It'll be dark soon, you have to get back across the river! Go!"

You didn't think twice, the boy seemed serious and that ghost thing was starting to freak you out. Was this place haunted? You turned and ran back through the carnival as the sun went down. Panic starting to fill your body when you saw the lanterns light up and black shadows start to appear from the ground. What the hell was going on? You ran out of the carnival area and to your horror, the river wasn't a river anymore. It was an ocean, one with a boat at the dock. The boat had more ghost creatures starting to pile off, everything was so scary and getting more and more intense. What were those things?

You suddenly noticed something that made your heart stop.

You were turning see though. Panic filled your body again and you turned and ran around to the back of all the houses, scared of what would happen if you stayed near these spirit things. You hid behind a house and frantically looked around. What was going on? Where were you? What would your parents think when you don't come back for dinner?


You jumped, the boy from before standing next to you and holding out some kind of food.

"Eat it to stop going see through, I promise it works" he said.

You were hesitant but didn't want to disappear completely so you took it and swallowed it, much to your comfort, it worked and you slowly returned to normal.

"Ok... the river filled to quick. That means you'll have to get a job..."

"A job? Who even are you? Where am I?" You sputtered.

"I'm L. You're in the spirit world, and if you want to escape you have to prove yourself to Kira and eventually he'll let you out. I can help you escape as long as you remember one thing"

"What thing?"

"Your name"

"My name? It's just (y/n)..."

"Don't forget it. If you do you'll be like me and be stuck here forever. Now come on I'll get you across the bridge"

You clung to L's arm as you walked down the pathways, on edge with each spirit you passed. Some of them were really freaky.

"But you just told me your name..?" You questioned.

"It's not my true name. I don't remember by true name. You must remember yours" L replied.

You reached the bridge and stopped before it, L turned to you and looked you seriously in the eyes.

"The spirits won't be able to see you if you cross the bridge while holding your breath. Take a deep breath and don't breathe until you're across" he explained.

You did as told and took a deep breath in, holding it as you began to walk across the bridge. That same black ghost with the mask kept starring at you. You had no idea what it wanted with you... but it was freaky just watching it pass by and keep on looking at you.

"Don't worry we're almost there..." L mumbled.

Just as you were about to step off the bridge, a spirit jumped in front of you.

"L! Where have you been? Kira is looking for you!" It said.

"I'll be up there in a moment I was looking for the missing bath tokens..."

It was getting hard to keep this up. You had to breathe so badly. The spirit was completely oblivious to you until you couldn't hold it any longer and had to let out a breath.


L waved his hand, making the spirit shut up and immediately ran off with you into the side gardens.

"I'm sorry! I could hold it!" You whined.

"You did good. If it weren't for that damn henchmen of Kira..."

L ran you down to a set of stairs and put his hands on your shoulders.

"Listen very carefully. Head down those stairs to the boiler room and don't let anyone see you. When you get there ask the worker for a job. He'll deny but just keep insisting. That way you'll be able to prove your worth to Kira and get out. I'll help you once you're in and have your job ok? I promise. Just remember your name at all costs" he explained.

"You... promise?"

"I promise you aren't even meant to be here, the sooner you can get out the better. I'll help as soon as you get in"

You looked down at the stairs and sighed.

"Ok, thank you L"

"You're welcome. Just remember, never ever forget your name"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat