When the Party's Over

Start from the beginning

"Uh hey," you said. "Um...what's up?"

He looked at you up and down. "You're here! I'm surprised," he grinned. "Nice outfit by the way. You sure can clean up nice."

You felt self conscious. "Yeah I guess," you managed to laugh. "I came because Jiro came too so...Now I'm here!"

"Well have fun then," he nodded.

The conversation felt like it was already over. 

What the hell? you thought. 

"Yeah you too," you smiled fakely. "Are you waiting for Yaoyoruzo?"

He avoided your gaze. "Y-Yeah, she told me to wait for her. We're just going around saying hi to people." 

"Aw like a cute little couple," you gushed. It hurt to say those words but it was a small price to pay to see his reaction. 

"We're not dating," Shinso scoffed. "Come on, (Name). You think she's my type?"

"As long as they look even slightly pretty and can say yes, then anyone can be your type," you retorted.

Shinso chuckled. "Why so prissy, princess? Jealous?" 

You looked at him in horror. "Yeah, you're so right, Shinso. I'm so jealous. How could you tell?"

He rolled his eyes. Then, he looked at you with a smirk. "Since you clearly don't have a problem, why don't you go back to Jiro since she's coming back?"

That was the final straw. It was your cue to get out before you said something you would regret later. 

"Fine. I'll go, don't wanna ruin your good time." 

         You didn't bother hearing what else he had to say. Jiro had gotten herself lost somewhere in the crowd and you promised you would find her later but right now you needed to get some fresh air. You grabbed a drink from one of the butlers going around and quickly drank it and put it right back on the tray. You headed to the backyard where a large swimming pool resided. In it lived blown up alligators and shark floats as well as some girls from your school. You sat at the farthest corner of the pool away from everyone else. You took off your heels that hurt too much and dipped your feet in the water. The pools blue reflective waves bounced off your troubled face. 

How could Shinso just dismiss you like that? Over some girl nonetheless. He would always try to be nice to you before; even when he had a girlfriend back in middle school. But now it was like he couldn't wait to get rid of you. The way he acted to you just this really struck a nerve with you. You looked into the pool and tried to think of something else to prevent yourself from tearing up. From behind, you heard someone walk towards you. 

"Everything okay, (Name)?"

It was Neito Monoma. You could tell from his voice. He didn't reek of alcohol like all the others boys but instead smelled of a nice vanilla scented cologne. 

"Yeah, just a little tired," you smiled warily. 

"Mind if I join you? I'm a little tired myself," he chuckled.

"Go ahead."

He took off his shoes as well and dipped his feet in the water next to yours. He was wearing blue cargo shorts with a white tee. He leaned back on his elbows and looked up at the night sky that was peppered with stars. 

"It's a nice night," he commented. 

You looked up. "Yeah...it is."

A butler at the front was walking around offering more drinks. He began to make his way toward the both of you.

Falling (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now