part 2

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deku's pov~
running up the stairs to go find kacchan,I can't help but wonder why he even did that for me. last year he laghed at me for being an omega and wanting to become the nuber 1 hero, and now he's helping me hide it.As I get to kacchan's door I can hear talking so I just waited and even tho it's not hero like I listend in. I couldn't  hear much but the little bits I got shoked me."yo bakubro what happend down there I thought-" "-can't help it tho he is so-" "-love" "SHUT THE HELL UP SHITTY HAIR I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH DEKU!" hearing way to much I knoked on the door and waited."oh hey midoriya." to my not so surprise kirishima answered the door."hey kiri." "what the hell are you doing here deku." to my surprise his harsh worse were quite calm and his face was all red." omg kacchan are you sick" I said while bursting into the room.putting my hand on his head to cheak if he had a temperature, kacchan went redder and I got worried." oh no I think your ill kacchan I'll save what I was gonna say till later cause I think you need some sleep." and with that I turned the light of shoved kiri out the room and shut the door and to my surprise kacchan just stood there bewildered the whole time.

bakugou's pov~
I stomped up the stairs, and to my dismay stupid shitty hair followed me."yo bro you good you just left...ya know kinda abruptly."I'm fine shitty hair."I say making my way to my room."my hair isn't that different from yours!"I just rolled my eyes and walked into my room not really caring if he walked in after me or not.all of a sudden shitty hair started to talk about deku."yo bakubro what happend down there I thought you hated midoriya."confused I turn to him"I do...who would like deku."kiri just gave me a blank look."then why did you help him out down there by telling people that lida was wrong about him"I just shrugged as I could feel my face getting a bit red."oh...well by the looks of it it's because you like him."shitty hair said with a stupid grin on his face."fine! I just can't help it tho he so sweet and cute." realising what I just said I blush even harder." aw it's ok to love midoriya." getting flustered I panicked."SHUT THE HELL UP SHITTY HAIR IM NOT IN LOVE WITH  DEKU!"all of a sudden there's a knock at the door.without my consent hair for brains opens the door and to my misery it's fucking deku.all of a sudden he storms into the room feels my face and before I know what had happened I was left alone while deku was leaving telling me I needed to go to bed.

kiri's pov~
oof...ok then... welp good luck baku bro.

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