Spread your wings

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A/n: ok, let's give this HTTYD AU a shot!

The smallest and most frail girl on the island, was by far the smartest. The one that realised dragons are no enemy. That girl was you, the outcast who befriended a stormcutter in secret. Later down the line you found that your dragon could also eat a special type of algae that made it glow. Meaning she must have had traces of flightmare DNA in there somewhere.

When you were 12 a mysterious Viking made himself known to the archipelago known as L. He was the legend that managed to train a Night Fury. The Night Fury was said to be the most dangerous dragon, described as 'the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself'. And L's was allegedly the last one left in existence. You'd always wanted to see one up close.

L was somewhat of a bad person to the Vikings, he trained a dragon instead of killing it. It was unheard of. But you looked up to him so much. You knew that dragons were no threat, that they could be your best friends. You wanted to be just like him one day and stop all the dragon hunters, help make peace with the dragons.

Your life was turned upside down when one day, your dragon friend was discovered. During a massive fight with your father, your dragon who you'd named Nova because of her colouring making her look like the night sky, heard you screaming and shouting from her hiding place.

As more and more members of your tribe joined in scolding you for messing up dragon hunting practice again, things got violent and Nova jumped in. She kept you under her wings and protected you. You knew that if a dragon would protect you, not your own kind, you didn't belong on an island where dragons were enemies.

You grabbed onto Nova, climbed onto the saddle you'd fitted into her and told her to fly as far as she could away from the island. You escaped with the life of yourself and your dragon.

And never looked back.

It's been years since then, you'd lived on your own moving from island to island, helping wounded dragons along the way. You and Nova has grown into an inseparable duo, your purpose in life to help dragons in need. You'd been so much happier.

You'd picked up blacksmithing too, making your own armour and weapons.

You'd slowly added to your armour over the years. You had shoulder pads made of metal, a string but soft to the touch chest plate and knee pads, steel capped boots, a skirt designed to look like dragon wings and your favourite; the helmet made to match the shape of your dragons head and horns. Everything was pained and glitzed our. Your sword having detailed carvings in the handle and your shield pained with the dragon class logos on it.

You'd mastered flying, you could even fly standing up on your dragons back.

The sun began to rise over the ocean, still dark but bright enough to see. You were awoken from your slumber by your dragon booping you with her nose. You opened your eyes, sitting up from your makeshift camp. Nova began to jump around excitedly.

"Yes yes good morning girl!" You said, stretching out your arms.

She bounded over to you and you happily greeted her with a scratch on the head.

"What do you say? Move island again today?"

Knowing that meant flying, Nova immediately got exited and made her happy dragon growls, already wanting to get into the air. You began to pack up camp, tying your bags to Novas saddle and climbing on, taking to the skies.

The early morning was one of the best times to fly, it was pretty, scenic, and not as hectic as during the day as most dragons didn't hunt until night. You skimmed the water, passing scouldrons out for their morning swims. Timber jacks flew above you in the clouds, you could hear a few deadly nadders in the distance as well as the sound of the ocean below you.

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