Back to School

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We all start walking there I'm guessing we're running

"Ok all Junior girls go first you guys will run one lap under 5 minutes" he says and I get on the track

"Ready go" he says I start to run

I was already half way done I kept on running and I was done

"Lili your time is 1:13" he says and we waited for the rest to come I had that fastest time out of all

Now it was Cole and Charles and the rest of the junior boys

"Ok Junior boys same as the girls now go" he says and they all start to run

I look out to see Cole and then Charles right behind him

"Cole your time is 1:12 and Charles 1:14"

Soon everyone finished and we were doing stretches on our dots like jumping jacks and calf stretches

We had about 16 minutes left so we were drinking water

"Ok guys see you tomorrow hit the showers"

And we all did
P.E was finally over and I saw Cami coming up to me

"Hey Lili I have P.E next can you take Alyssa to your next class" she says

Yea I have Home Ed next anyways, I say and take Alyssa and the sling and the diaper bag

I have the next class with Cole because we decided to take home Ed together for the fake baby thing but I have a real one right now

We walked into the class and sat down

"Hello class I am Mrs.Cartright I will be your home Ed teacher"

She gives us a syllabus and a bag

"I know it's barley the first week of school but you will be doing the baby project so we can get it over with because I honestly hate it too" she laughs

Everyone laughs with her so do I she wasn't bad I liked her

"Ok so your partner is who you are sitting next too you will given a baby with a car seat you already have there bags there is a paper of what you need to do it also has a birth certificate for extra credit"

Everyone looks at it and starts filing it out leaving the name empty

"Ok I will be handing you a baby you can chose the gender if you want"

She starts giving everyone there babies Alyssa is sleeping so I'm good

"Ok boy or girl" she smiles at us

What do you think babe

"A girl" he says

"Ok and isn't that Camila's baby" she chuckles

Yea just babysitting her while Camila is in P.E

"That's very sweet of you" she says and walks away

Cole and I look at each other

"So what are we naming our daughter"


"Ok so Aubrie Sprouse-Reinhart"

No just Aubrie Sprouse

"If you say so" he says with a big smile

What do you think Cher will think of her

"I don't know Cher was calm when she met Alyssa" he says

The football player and me ~sprousehart story~ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant