Maryse entered running, Magnus explaining what he did and what just transcended. "You know what, you stay away from him. You can't be trusted," Jace told Maryse. Justin frowned, wondering why everyone was acting so strange. "I can't be trusted?"

Maryse turned to Isabelle, "Now you see why I was wary of having a party at Valentine's son's house, and having a warlock help plan it." Justin glared at Maryse, the sadness in his eyes diminishing and being replaced by full on hatred for the woman. He was so focus on what he wanted to do to Maryse that he didn't notice Simon come out.

"You're all gonna be okay. Everyone just stay here. I'll be right back."

Justin continued to caress Alec's hair, waiting for him to wake up and explain what happened. "Get away from my brother," Isabelle spat. "He is my boyfriend and he was trying to kill himself. I want to be with him to see if he's okay," Justin argued.

"You're nothing but trouble, he's here because of you." Justin stood up and walked to stand in front of Isabelle, staring down at her. "Not really, but you think it's my fault because it was my mother, isn't it. Continue telling me how I'm not good enough!"

Isabelle stared at him in disbelief, but he only saw anger. "Don't stay quiet. Say something! You had so much to say back there, don't stop now!"

Everyone was talking over each other, arguing and placing blame that none notice Magnus come back and recite a spell, using his magic over everyone. Suddenly, they stopped. They all looked around each other in confusion, and Justin's eyes soften from his angriness.

"Is?" Isabelle stepped towards him and pulled the redheaded boy into a tight hug. "Don't ever think anything you heard was true, whatever it was." Justin sniffled, nodding his head and cuddling closer to his friend.

They separated when Isabelle noticed Alec starting to wake up. They both got to the ground and started examining the older Shadowhunter for any wounds or anything out of the ordinary. "Someone has taken my spell book," Magnus informed.

Justin stood up, his eyes widened at that. Magnus did his thing and put up the wards around the whole building, prohibiting anyone to get out. "You're putting your wards up?" Clary asked. Justin pushed past everyone, following after Magnus, bothered by the situation. "Nobody leaves until he gets it back."

After searching everyone at the party and figuring out it was Iris cloaked as a redhaired cat, the group were are huddled together in Justin's living room.

"Okay, what is Valentine up to anyway?" Alec was the one to break the silence. "I don't know," Clary answered, looking at Jace. The blond hunter whispered something to her before she sighed. "Jace, they're our family. They need to know."

"Know what?" Isabelle questioned the pair. "The angel Ithuriel," Clary started. "Valentine was going to use him to activate the Soul-Sword. He needs someone with pure angel blood to activate it."

"Well, that doesn't sound good," Simon commented. "It's not. With the Soul-Sword activated, Valentine can decimate the entire Downworld," Jace continued. "The angel showed us a vision of a demon who could destroy the Sword. If we can find that demon, we could stop Valentine."

Magnus was concerned for something far greater than the activation of the Soul-Sword, and his face said it all. "How did you two save the angel?" Clary and Jace looked at each other once again.

"With runes the angel gave to me," she answered, sighing. "What now?" Justin asked. "New runes. Ones no one's ever seen before."

"Why did he choose you?" Isabelle questioned Clary. "I have no idea." The tone of her voice sounded so sincere Justin couldn't be mad at being the second choice, again.

"I might."

Everyone turned to look at Magnus after his confession. With everyone's attention on him he started speaking. "Years ago, a Silent Brother told me about a special connection the original Shadowhunters had with the Angel Raziel. That they could communicate from afar through... visions. Because they were created from his blood."

"Are you saying that..." Alec wasn't able to finish his sentence when Magnus spoke once again. "Clary may have a blood connection to that Angel. And that must mean she has pure angel blood."

"That's why Valentine wants Clary unharmed. Clary can activate the Soul-Sword."

Tainted Soul • Lightwood. [ON HOLD]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin