"Ma, they aren't my friends."

"Oh don't say that beta. Why don't you give it a try. Mona would be there at least meet her!"

This went on for sometime. But her mother could eventually persuade her to go to the reunion.

3rd January came sooner than she thought it would. As much as she dreaded the evening, she knew that it could be a potentially good night.

She went anyway, driving to the venue which was this disco. It had their art class's name and batch on a little board out front. Mona was around and she walked in with her.

They played music really loud. She stood around while Mona went about greeting everyone. She didn't much know what to do and she didn't much know anyone around so she kept thinking of excuses. That's when someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned towards her left and someone said a "hi" from her right. She turned the other way then to see this guy, tall with deep brown hair and dressed in a semi formal suit, smiling at her.

Puberty can certainly work like magic on some people, she thought.

She didn't remember anyone even remotely cute in all those years at her art class and she just kept wondering who this stunning man was.

But she then realised, at that very moment, that he'd greeted her so she said a quick "hi" back, smiling.

"I'm sure you don't remember me and you're probably just wondering - "who is this freak and why is he greeting me?" so I'll just introduce myself. I'm Ranbir. We were in art class together which is kind of obvious since this is a reunion for that very class. It's good seeing you, Deepika."

"I'm so sorry Ranbir, I just-"

"Don't worry about it." He said, smiling and laying his palm on her shoulder, ever so lightly.

They then walked towards the other end of the room to get themselves drinks.

"So what do you do?"

"I, err, make films."

"OHMYGOSH WAIT. You're Ranbir Kapoor! Your film was showcased at Cannes this year! I've been DYING to meet you!"

"Ermmmm. Yes, I-"

"I thought your film was absolutely BRILLIANT. Like how do you even come up with something like that?! I love how you portrayed the lead, it's not, you know, something people would like. There's a risk involved and you took it and everyone"


"LOVED IT! All the critics were bowled over! How do you do it?!"

"Well thank-"

"It is SOOO MESMERISING. It's a brilliant film, absolutely brilliant, I can go on about it FOR EVER AND EVER AND-"



"Can we do this later, please?"

"Oh. Yeah sure, sorry."

"No, thank you. It means a lot to me, especially since it's coming from a bestselling author, and one such as yourself. I really need an autographed copy of your next."

"Well I'm flattered to say the least. I-"

They were interrupted by Mona and some others who she'd brought along. It was a reunion after all.

She met a lot of people, some of whom she actually remembered.

It truly was a night of fun, despite the really loud music and the not-so-great band playing. She met people, they laughed, danced, ate, laughed some more and she really felt not so much like herself for sometime. And that change was something she really liked. Was she glad she decided to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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