The one thing you can't replace

Start from the beginning

"Wow ! They're having fun !" Toga said.

"Ha ! Now that's something un-hero like ." Tomura said.

"People were drinking like it was the Civil War and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off !" Lida appeared by bursting the door with a chainsaw.

"I WOULD NEVER HAVE SUCH A THING !!" Lida was screaming.

"Maybe you're not a very good person in this one .." Ochako wondered.

"He was totally unsupervised, we were like dogs without horses. We were running wild !" Lida was getting crazy.

A lot of people were laughing, and some of this people were heroes.

"I walk down-" laughing on the screen.

"I walked down to the basement, they had a pool table in the basement" Kaminari and Jirou were playing in there.

"Since when we know to play with this ?" Jirou asked.

"Dunno." Kaminari said.

"One dude took a running start and threw his body onto the pool table and broke it in half !" Drunk Bakugo appeared running and breaking the table.

Everyone was laughing for that.

"Another kid, found out which room was Mr. Aizawa's, and went upstairs and took a s*** at his computer !" Mineta appeared and was plugging his balls (the quirk, don't be dirty mind) on the computer screen.

Aizawa was getting REALLY mad at this one universe, and everyone else was worried.

"So the party was going great !" Izuku appeared with thumbs up and a derp face.

All the villains were laughing extra hard and some students were holding themselves to not explode, while Izuku was receiving extra glares.

"I'm standing in the basement and I'm holding a red cup, you see in movies" Izuku was in the basement with a lot of people.

"I'm standing there and holding the red cup, and I'm starting to black out. And I guess someone said like : 'something something POLICE'. Dabi appeared and said that.

"Oh god .." All might said.

"Please don't be what I'm thinking..." Inko said.

"His getting f****** drunk...." Bakugo said.

"And in a brilliant moment, of world association I yelled : ' F*** DA POLICE' " Izuku smashed the red cup and showed the midle finger while he yelled.

Inko passed out, All might soul's seemed to fly off and Izuku appeared to have died, while everyone was laughing and going crazy about that.

" 'F*** DA POLICE' and everyone else joined in !" A lot of hands raised.

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