You will remember
When this is blown over
Everything's all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you
I still love you

Donghun sips on his coke and looks around the club. There isn't that much going on as normal, it's actually kinda empty around here. He watches some men dancing next to his friends but nobody is really catching his interest. He tried to find somebody for a little while (mostly because Sehyoon and Byeongkwan pushed him to) but he knew that this won't work. Not anymore.
You know when they say that you get that once in a lifetime chance? Donghun had his and he let him go. Just like this.

"Can I get a whiskey please?" a voice to Donghuns right catches his attention. He notices a black haired guy, sitting three seats on his right. He seems to be really tired and sad, Donghun takes a closer look. It seems as it started raining outside, the coat of the other guy is wet and his hair soaked. As the bartender places down the whiskey in front of him, he immediately pours it down and asks for another one. Something in Donghuns head is ringing as he hears the husky voice again. He is not able to see the black haired guys face, so he takes action and gets up, before sitting down right next to the stranger.

"Seems like you've had a rough day." he simply says, his finger playing with the nearly empty glass in his hand. The other one looks up in a surprise and as Donhun sees his face he immediately jumps up, his coke falling to the ground. Hundreds of glass pieces spread on the floor and Donghun stands in the middle of them. "Wait I'll get a broom." the bartender quickly says and disappears in the back. None of the two guys staring at each other is saying a word.

"What... are you doing here?" Donghun finds his words, after he helped the bartender clean up the mess he made. He can feel tears starting to rise in his eyes but he doesn't want to cry right now. "I'm... I'm back in the city." Junhee answers, now staring at his whiskey glass. Donghun notices how mat the others eyes are. He doesn't remember him like that, something must have happened and it makes him sad. Not only the fact to see Junhee right here, right now... see him like this really hurts him.

"What happened?" he simply ask, sitting back down on the chair right next to the black haired male. He notices the tiny tear, leaving Junhees eye. "What's wrong? Why did you come back?" Donghun asks carefully.
"My dad died." the younger says, his voice full of pain. "I came back because of my mum, she can't deal with this alone, I..." Junhee stops talking, a sob is escaping his throat. Donghun can feel his inside breaking. Not like it did when they broke up but it really hurts him seeing the other like this. "Want to get some fresh air?" Donghun asks, Junhee nods. The older grabs the others arm and drags him outside.

They sit down on a the staircase in front of the building but nobody says a word. Little sobs escape Junhees throat and together with the noises of the nightly city, it makes a weird soundscape.

Oh, hurry back, hurry back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know what it means to me
Love of my life
Love of my life

"I missed you." Junhee sobs after a while, Donghun looks at him with a bit of surprise. "I am... I am sorry Donghun." he whispers, wiping away his tears with his wet jacket. Donghun notices that the floor doesn't look wet at all and the sky has no clouds. "Why are you this wet?" he asks, kinda ignoring the youngers words. "It rained this afternoon..." "And you didn't had the chance to get dry?! Park Junhee don't lie to me!" Donghun says, grabbing the other by his shoulders. "Stop Donghun... it's embarrassing." Junhee said, staring at the ground. "What? It's not like you fell into the river or something." Donghun says, Junhee shuts his eyes. "I fell into the big fountain on the way here... I wasn't paying attention and just walked into it..." he says, an red shimmer on his cheeks out of embarrassment. "Oh my god, Park Junhee..." Donghun mumbles' "You'll get a cold for sure. You need a shower and some fresh clothes. Wait for me here!" Donghun says before running back into the club.
"Sehyoon!" he shouts at his friend who's sitting in one of the chairs, his boyfriend on top of him. "What?! I have business here." Sehyoon growls giving Byeongkwan a little peck on the lips. "You guys get a taxi for home, I'll have to go." Donhun quickly says. His friends are too drunk and too busy to ask questions, so he walks away quickly.

"Come on Junhee!" he says, pulling the slightly tipsy guy on to his feet. "Where?" he asks, Donghun searches for his car keys. "Home. You need to get a shower." Donghun says and points to his car.


An hour later the both of them are sitting on the couch in the dorm; Junhee had a shower and is wearing some warm clothes from Donghun.
"Donghun?" "Mhh?" "I really meant that." Junhee whispers. "What?" "The thing I said before. That I'm sorry. And that I missed you..." Junhee says, Donghun looks at him. "I missed you too." he whispers. "Do you think... we could try it again?" Junhee asks carefully, Donghun can feel a weird feeling in his chest. "I don't know." he mumbles, Junhee's shoulders fall down.
"But you know what I truly know?" Donghun asks and closes the gap between their faces, kissing the younger softly. "I love you, I still do." he says, as breaks the kiss.
Junhee lays his hand around Donhuns neck and pulls him closer again. "I love you too, I never stopped. I was just being an idiot." Junhee says and kisses the older again, this time with a lot more effort.

Love of my life #DongjunWhere stories live. Discover now