Chapter Two

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Recently Jane was just hospitalized and the doctors recommended bed rest for her and they explained to him why she needed it and he state of injuries.

Logan: hey doctor, so what's wrong with her?

Doctor: she seems fine but has a bad bruise where the guy hit her and i suggest bed rest for her for two weeks because of her condition. 

Logan: what condition, i thought you just said she was fine????

Doctor: oh you don't know?

Logan: know what?

Doctor: this young lady seems to be pregnant young man, i thought you knew.

Logan:how far along is she???

Doctor: shes 8 weeks into her pregnancy, now have a good night sir

*Logan was so puzzled and shocked but was also confused and wondering who the father of her baby was and if she knew and what she was gonna do*

Logan starts to think about the past 8 weeks and who she was hanging out with and who could possibly be the baby daddy. he couldn't think of anyone who she was hanging out with besides him and Jordan, so it had to be one of them. he was so tired and falling asleep in her hospital room and while he was sleeping he was having flash backs of 8 weeks ago that he couldn't remember because he was to drunk with her but he only remembered it when he was sleeping. 8 weeks ago they were at one of Jordan's many parties and Jane had seen Jordan flirting with another girl and kissed her so Jane went off and started to drink so much and then Logan came up to her at the party and started to drink with her because he was having a bad night.Logan had forgotten all about the wonderful night he shared with Jane until this very moment when he was sound asleep, the reason why he had these feelings for her and what they meant. they had gotten so wasted that they went back to her house alone just the two of them and they talked so much that night, she told him about her seeing Jordan with another girl and them kissing and flirting.

that same very night is when Jane had lost her v-card to Logan the most popular guy in her school and they both had the same feelings when they were with each other. Jane and Logan had slept together making a passionate romantic love story that is just waiting for it to unfold and become a solved puzzle piece. Logan then woke up and realized that he was the baby daddy of Jane's 8 week pregnancy. then that all made sense because the day after they had slept together he awoke from Jane's bed with her laying the right next to him. when Logan woke up he was in so much shock that he didn't know what to say until he saw Jane waking up and looked like she was scared. 

Jane looked over in Logan's direction and saw that he was looking at her and that he had a puzzled face. Logan got up and walked towards her and gave her a passionate kiss on the forehead, she looked at him with confusion. Logan looked at her with a sweet face and a caring one to, she looked him in the eyes and smiled, she couldn't admit it but there was some type of electrical connection between them. 

Logan: the doctor said your fine but you need to be on bed rest for two weeks

Jane: why bed rest?

Logan: your 8 weeks pregnant and need bed rest because of what jordan did to you tonight

Jane: oh, but how???

Logan: remember 8 weeks ago jordans party that he was kissing a girl and flirting with her and you saw them?

Jane: of course i do i was so upset 

Logan: yea well you were drinking and then we bumped into each other and we got wasted and headed back to your place and ended up having sex that same night that's why we woke up in the same bed but couldn't figure out what happened or how i got there.

Jane: so your my baby's daddy?

Logan: yes indeed and jane i happen to really like you so i wouldn't mind being with you and raising the baby with you, if you want to keep the baby.

Jane: i would never get an abortion or give it away so i would be happy to raise the baby with you, im sure you'd be a great dad.

Logan: thank you. could we maybe start dating, i've had feelings for you since 8 weeks ago but i didn't know it until now.

Jane: i would love that

*they both smiled and looked each other in the eyes and felt butterflies running through there body and they came closer to each other and their lips locked and felt a wonderful spark between them and know that it would last forever. jane was feeling better then ever and had finally felt complete, logan felt happy and free and like he didn't need to pretend to be the guy he was at school*

what logan didn't know was that jane and jordan had already broken up that night at the party 8 weeks ago but jordan blackmailed her. jordan also didn't trust jane anymore so put a microphone in her bag to listen to her conversations so he heard everything they just happened to talk about. 

what will he do next? will jordan do something so much worse then what he's already done?

i hope you guys like my stories, im trying really hard to make good stories please tell me what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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