Ch.0': Alexa Osamu

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This chapter is to explain Alexa Osamu. First just so all people know: All female leads in different books(stories) will probably be called Alexa Osamu. I'm really caught to this name so I will use it mostly. And now we can begin with explaining her...

Alexa is really nice girl who isn't found of crowds. She transferred school and now she lives with her dad. In school almost all classmates (keep in mind it's 'almost all') are usually laughing at her because of her hair color. They say it's not pretty and that she should cut it. But she never listens to them. Her grades are really great. She is also really smart.

Also Alexa's training karate and volleyball. She likes to fight with boys that say that she is ugly or do mean things to her. She doesn't talk to much but she talks with teammates just for the team.

Alexa doesn't have friends to go out with or talk so she's always alone, though in school there are few students who talk to her sometimes.  She likes to go through town and see what's going on while riding rollers. She sometimes stops and takes pictures of sky or parks...well everything that seems interesting to her.

As for her parents. Well she lives with her father alone. Her father is really funny and lets her do whatever she wants...well she never wanted unreasonable things so he never saw a need to stop her. And as far as for her mother she died when Alexa was born. From the time Alexa grew up a little and learned everything she never ever cried no matter what people said.

She likes watching crime and mystery or action movies, while she only likes reading crime books. Alexa is a big dreamer, whatever she thought of she wanted to fulfill that, even though sometimes she couldn't so she gave up.

I think that's all really needed to be known. If there are things you wish to know just ask I'll answer and maybe add those things.

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