Hands off my girl, Sooyoung growled, low and dangerous, and Jungeun shot her a scathing look, something on the tip of her tongue (Jiwoo wasn't yours when she had her tongue on my mouth, bitch), but Jiwoo put herself between them before she can say something she'll regret.

I thought Jinsol was your girl now? One look, up and down, as Sooyoung stammered. Come on, Jungeun, let's get out of here.

Jiwoo grabbed her hand and marched off the club, now into the pouring rain, and they forego the motorcycle in favor of the 24/7 diner that's a few blocks away from the club.

They were soaked to the bone when they get there, the rain drip drop drip drop on the once pristine white plastic linoleum floor, but even the harsh, yellow lights make Jiwoo look stunning, even the makeup slightly running off her face.

Are you alright? Jiwoo asked, while they sat in the battered red plastic seats. The waitress poured them a cup of coffee as they look through the menu. I didn't know Sooyoung would act like that. I wouldn't even have asked if I had known. Sorry, Jungeun.

It's alright, Jungeun replied, I signed up for that. They asked for some eggs and more coffee, please, and Jungeun stared at Jiwoo. She knew there was a bruise forming where Sooyoung grabbed her. Jungeun wasn't going to tell Jiwoo that.


Like I said, I kinda signed up for that. A pause. The waitress poured them more coffee and Jungeun knocked it down to forget the taste of Jiwoo's mouth. No point on dwelling on that, when it was only to cause her trouble later on.

I wasn't fair to you. I know you like Rosé.

Jungeun almost spitted the coffee at that.

Me and Rosé? Are you losing your mind? No, I... A pause, biting her lower lip to think. No, not me and Rosé. Someone else.

Jiwoo perked up, their sunny side up eggs being slid through the table. She always loved some gossip; this would be no different.

Oh! Oh! Do I know her?

You're very familiar with her.

It wasn't a lie.


What about a guessing game? Jungeun suggested, stabbing her eggs, the yolk runny and staining the egg whites. Just say who you think it is, and I'll say yes or no.

Okay! Jiwoo ate a portion of her food, munching as she thought. Hm, Saerom?

She pointed the knife at Jungeun to make a point. She looked cute, even with that silver dress, even with that runny makeup.

Not at all! Jungeun replied, scrunching up her nose. Really? Me and Saerom? C'mon, Jiwoo.

Aww. A pout, pink lips bright and absolutely kissable. Jungeun longed to know what they felt like again, even if it hadn't been even an hour ago. Joowon, then?

Also a no.

What Jungeun wanted to say that it was Jiwoo the someone else, but the words failed her.

Jiwoo grinned, then, eating a portion of her runny eggs. Jungeun ate hers as well, quiet, only the sound of the bustle of the cafeteria between them.

Is it me? Jiwoo grinned, smiling childishly, and then laughed. Just kidding! There's no way it's me, right? Like, I'm just Jiwoo, y'know? Nothing special, after all.

She was rambling; Jungeun has known Jiwoo for long enough to spot a rant when it comes, and knows that Jiwoo won't hear her between words.

You're right, it's you. She muttered between bites, quietly, so quiet she hoped it would've gotten lost between the loud sounds of the cafeteria.

Jungeun did not expect for Jiwoo to fall silent, like a disorganized orchestra stopping without the maestro's prompting, embarrassment dusting her cheeks reds and confusion expressed in her dark eyes, mouth open, lips inviting. She let her fork fall noisily against the platter, and Jungeun blinked, owlish, at her.

Me? Me? Me, plain old Jiwoo? Are you sure? Tears shone in her eyes, crystal-like; Jungeun looked at her. Say you're joking, Jungeun!

I'm not. It's always been you. She scratched the back of her head, averting her eyes. There's a reason my relationships don't last long. It's because I never stopped being in love with you. Sorry 'bout that, I guess.

Jiwoo rose, suddenly, drawing Jungeun's eyes to her. Well, it wasn't like they strayed far, anyway.

You're coming with me. She said, slapping a bunch of creased bills on the table, ignoring her leftover eggs and coffee as she waited for Jungeun. Jungeun obeyed the command given, and followed Jiwoo outside, where the rain had stopped.

Are you sure it's me? She asked, head low, quiet, almost shy. Jungeun nodded. I'm no good. I'm...

You're Jiwoo. What else can I ask for? Jungeun asked, shrugging, and Jiwoo rose her head, eyes shining with tears.

Thank God, then! She grinned, throwing herself in Jungeun's arms, and kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

I've kind of always like you, too. But... A pause, as Jungeun dried Jiwoo's hair. It had been a week since they had started going out, and Jungeun hadn't asked. But, y'know, You always seemed to be with a pretty girl on your arm, and I'm not exactly pretty.

Of course you are. Pretty, I mean.

Not compared to those girls. Headshake, a denial in almost silence. So I kinda just... Hid it. And Sooyoung was there when I cried, so we got together. She laughed, a weight being lifted off her shoulders as Jiwoo spoke up, and Jungeun let her. I knew she liked Jinsol better, though, so I sorta pretended to be blind. It hurt less to pretend I didn't know about Sooyoung than acknowledging I was going to be loveless for the rest of my life.At least, I thought, you could be happy, if you weren't burdened by my feelings for you, so I kept quiet about it.

A pause, again. Jungeun kept her diligent work, the cigarette ash falling from the red tip, glowing against the darkened room. It would stain the sheets, but she didn't care.

But after a while, it... It hurt to have Sooyoung cheat on me. It was like I couldn't do anything right to keep someone loving me. I mean, you saw how Kahei and Haseul... A sniffle, here. Jungeun let her clean her nose on the towel. Y'know.

Yeah. I see. She finished drying Jiwoo's hair, letting the towel rest on the girl's shoulders. She tapped Jiwoo's shoulders, and the girl turned to face her.

She looked pretty, even without all the makeup she usually wore, barefaced and fresh, still the same kid Jungeun had grown up with.

Guess you'll be my burden forever, huh? Jungeun said, grinning, hands on her hips. Jiwoo smiled, shy as it was, and kissed her with softness expected. 

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