Summer's Contentment

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Silently sitting,

Heart pounding,

Beads of sweat,

Slowly trailing down my face.

My hand tapping repeatedly,

Against the black redwood table.

The only sound there is,

Is the birds singing to their kin,

The blaring sun,

Warming their fluffed cold feathers.

Sipping on tea, content,

Sweet, iced, and honeyed,

Trickles down my wrinkled throat,

My heart,

Floating through the breezy air.

A june bug, buzzes past me,

Colored a silvery green.

I smile,

Bright, yet silent,

My eyes begin to close…

Clasping my hands together,

I lie back,

Thinking airily,

Is there more to life…

then this?

Eyes closed,

I fall asleep,

In the hot midsummer.

Life a pain or a pleasure?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα