Dating jabezvill

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Chapter One
* Meeting my
Saturday morning || I wake up and I feel sick my parents are at work I stay home alone Monday through Friday it's pretty fun but it can get boring. I call my mom up I tell her " I'm not feeling well I have a headache " she responded with " when I get home we can go to the store and get some medicine. I say "ok cool thanks " my mom says " ok bye I'll see you when I get home later " . "Bye -Lexi " (4:56 Afternoon).My mom arrived at home I walk down the steps as I finish up I'm edit about Jabez vill , if you don't know who that is lemme give you a background (he's "Famous" I have a fan page on him and was also really wanting to me meet him so bad :( but sadly tour was way to much. But I heard he was in town for tour . So I start talking to my mom I ask her "can we go to target" she says " why not " because we were originally going to Walmart . So we arrived at target (6:20 pm) she tells me "don't go far but get whatever you need " I say " ok brb ," I'm minding my business and I see someone that looks like blesiv I walk closer and it's blesiv and jabez I immediately freak the hell out ! I call my Best friend Nala and say "GUESS WHAT!!" she says " what???!" I said " I saw jabez and blesiv !!!" She says" stfu your lying " I flip my camera and say "bitch no tf I'm not look " she says " omgggg!! No fair walk to them go !!" I say " okok mute yourself ".

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