Question of doubt started swarming his head last night not being able to drift to the familiar unconscious easily, even with Taehyung's arms wrapped around him in a protective manner and Coconut sweetly purred beside him, tail grazing his leg.

He felt nausea continuing to creep up his throat as well, maybe also from skiping breakfast today, feeling like there was a massive stone sunk deep in his gut, not being able to force any food down.

Hands fiddled with themselves, fingertips gliding over the smooth surface of his nails, occasionally finding grip on his jeans as he suddenly felt a hand being softly placed on his thigh, smoothing up and down in a calming manner.

"Everything okay, baby?" His boyfriend's deep voice passed through his lips in a worried yet sweet tone, probably noticing Jeongguk's nervousness dripping mannerisms.

Gguk turned his head over to Taehyung, noticing that they were standing at a red light, the other's eyes swirling with worry, slight pout visible on his lips.

"Yeah, nervous, i guess?" He sighed heavily, forcing his lips to curl into a fake reassuring smile, still feeling the hand softly move up and down his jean covered thigh.

Noticing Taehyung taking his other hand off the steering wheel as well placing it on Gguk's cheek, thumb moving over it in circles.

"If you don't feel good we can always leave." The reassuring melody of Tae's voice resounded through his ears, stomach relaxing slightly from it's tensed up state.

He knew he didn't have to have a single worry about anything when Taehyung is there with him -- he had gained such ultimate trust in him, pupils morphing into hearts everytime he looks at him.

He saw the older slowly lean over, hand remaining placed on his thigh but instead of moving giving a sweet loving squeeze as he moved forward to close their distance.

Gguk fluttered his eyes close, each kiss still making his stomach bloom with butterflies and his heart swell with adoration, feeling the other's breath fanning against his lips before hearing a loud grunt from the back of the car, making the both of them shoot their eyes open and pull away.

"Oh my god, yes we get it, y'all in this love shit for life but can you maybe not do the gay stuff while literally standing at a light. I have to fear for my life here." His best friend loudly protested, annoyed huff escaping her lips, arms crossed infront of her.

Nayoo also decided to come with them today despite still having a cast wrapped around her leg, not even letting Gguk make the decision to ask her to accompany him as well. Just telling him straight up that she was going to be there to support him regardless -- Jeongguk would never deny his best friend, knowing her support was one of the things he was so incredibly grateful for in his life.

"You are just as gay, Nayoo." Jeongguk argued back at her as he settled back into his seat properly as Taehyung did the same, hands going to attach themselves back onto the starring wheel in the exact right moment, the light flipping from red to green.

"Wow, i'm offended because i'm clearly the gayest in the room." She scoffed, leaning forward inbetween the two seats where Gguk and Taehyung were seated.

"What room? This is a fucking car." Gguk laughed loudly, looking ovet behind him slightly, seeing his best friend's unbothered expression.

"This thing got four walls, windows, a floor and a ceiling, so it's a damn room." Her finger pointing at each individual thing as she made her points, sending Jeongguk and now also Taehyung into even more laughter.

Her witty nature really smoothed the atmosphere for Jeongguk, air flowing around him much easier than before, the pit that was stuck in his stomach feeling much more at ease now, making the rest of the drive just as relaxed as the past minutes were -- eventhough they didn't exactly come to a conclusion on the definition of a room.

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