3 million and 5 years later | Chapter 2

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I woke up in the pod...but I don't see space! I see 2 men, an android of some sort and a handsome hologram that seems to be hard-light. They looked at me in surprise, I must have been out for a long time if they found my pod in deep space..

"How long was I out there..?" I ask, my voice seeming to be creaking at every silible.

"When did you get in the pod?" One of the men said, he was dress in a jacket and a hat. His shirt seemed to be stained in something like curry...He reminded me of Lister...

"I enter the pod on Thursday 23rd of January 2019, how long was I out there?!" I was getting impatient

"2019?! That was 3 million and 5 years ago!" The android said with utter shock. I looked around at my surroundings and found I was in the medical bay on starbug. "Why are we on starbug? Where is Red dwarf?" I was panicking and trying not to have a mental breakdown..

"Wait....Y/N?!" The curry stained man said. I stayed silence for a bit and then it all came back to be "Lister!!" I jumped off the medical bed and hugged Lister.

"You know her Lister?" The hologram said "Yeah! We were best mates until she became a senior officer and she had to focus on her duties."

The hologram looked baffled and saluted to me "Mam! I'm so sorry I didn't realise there was someone who had a rank above me!" Lister rolled his eyes

"No need to salute, You're Rimmer? Am I correct?" I knew I recognized him, he was the one Lister ranted on about and said how much of a smeg head he was.

He didn't seem that smeggy though, more nicer than I expected! Lister rants on about him so much to make him seem mean.

"Y/N! You alright? You're staring at Rimmer and I'm worried ya might catch somethin" Lister said in a rude tone

"Lister as your friend AND your superior, please shut up" Rimmer smirked and snickered a little bit as no one has really told Lister to shut up before.

"Alright, Alright. I'll stop...for now" Lister said smirking

This is gonna be a long trip...

*FINALLY! GOT THE NEXT CHAPTER UP! You have no idea how long it takes for me to write this stuff! I hope you enjoy your encounter with the hologram himself! Cya*
417 words

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