(Pretend Ethan's not in the picture but guys his car is dope). He put the address to the concert stadium/hall/area on his phone connected it to Bluetooth. He also turned on his Spotify playlist, which consisted of all of Ariana's songs from her first song to her latest.(remember we are DW era) Y/n always hears this playlist over and over again but he could never get bored with it cause it's Ariana how can you get bored of her. Anyways Y/n sings as loud as possible knowing every lyric by heart. He looks in front of him to see the stadium with cars parked people walking and running to the stadium excited to hear Ariana. Y/n makes his way into the parking garage and takes 10 minutes to find a parking spot. He thought that he came early but it seems that others came way earlier. Y/n got out his car making sure to post on his Insta story. He checked himself in the mirror fixing his hair. He made sure he had his ticket and wallet and keys. He started to walk to the concert front doors where there was a huge line.

Time Skip
After about an hour of waiting in line and talking with some people Y/n made his way to the stage area excited to see his crush and favorite person in the world. He saw people on stage fixing things for the concert. Y/n was in awe and shock that he's actually here at a Ariana Grande concert. Never in his life would he think that he would be able to come it's like a dream come true. Y/n went to the front of the stage and waited. Anyone could see that he's visible shaking from the excitement and nervousness. The reason he's nervous is because he doesn't want to do something stupid and mess up the concert for her and everyone else. He tends to stress about big things like this. Thinking the most absurd things. As Y/n was deep in thought the lights turned off. He looked up the stage to see dancers aligning in a line. Once he heard the first few sounds he instantly knew the song. His eyes widen to see Ariana walk on stage. Hearing her angelic voice filling the stadium.

He started singing along with everyone else.
Skip time
At this time Y/n is full of energy seeing his crush sing her heart out makes his heart skip beats. Ariana came back on stage wearing a different outfit. She came close to the stairs sitting on it looking pretty. She starting singing her last song of the album "Thinking bout you"

As Ariana was singing her eyes connected with Y/n's eyes. They held eye contact. Y/n felt like Ari was seeing through his soul his breath hitched, his breathing came erratic. He knew he meant nothing to her but the way she made him feel was like none other. As their eye contact broke he let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. She finished her song standing up waving to the crowd giving air kisses to everyone. But she stopped and gave Y/n a wink making his face heat up but no one could see his red face. As everyone started to head out Y/n went to the area where the meet and greet would happen he was fortunate enough to be able to buy one. He stood in line going on his phone just posting all the videos he got.
Time Skip
As Y/n chance came up he couldn't help his but get nervous.

"Hi I-I-I'm Y/FN Y/LN n-n-nice to finally meet you"
"Hey cutie I'm Ariana"
"Sorry for stuttering I-I'm just n-n-nervous"
"Cause I'm finally meeting Ariana Grande a stunning, talented women."

This time Ariana started blushing hiding her face in her hands.

"Wow you little flirt."
"Sorry I'm just stating facts."

Y/n mentally wondered where all this confidence came from him.

"Umm can I possibly get a picture?"
"Of Course!"

Ariana wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck giving him a kiss on the cheek while he wrapped his arms around her slender waist. Y/n felt something in his jacket pocket. He dismissed it thinking it was his wallet. They pulled apart smiling at each other.

"Thank you so much for the opportunity to finally meet you I've been dreaming of this since victorious."

Ariana let out an adorable laugh making Y/n smile at her. He got his picture saying bye to Ariana.
Time Skip
As he walked into his apartment he fell into his bed.

I can't believe today happened I finally met her. And my gosh is she more stunning in person. She looked like a GODESS, and I was there to meet her. I got her to laugh and blush and that made me the happiest person alive. I took my phone out of my pocket but then a paper fell out. I opened the folded paper up and my eyes went wide. It said
Call me (Ari's phone number) 💋 Ariana
Is this real? Did she really give me her phone number. I must be mistaken there is no way that she gave me her number. But I had to try anyways.

General POV
Y/n typed in the number calling it hoping to get something.

"Is this Ariana Grande?"
"Yes it is, Y/FN Y/LN, I been wondering when you would call me"
"Is this real? Did THE ARIANA GRANDE actually give me her number?"

Ariana let a small giggle making Y/n's stomach erupt in butterflies.

"Yes it is."
"Wow never in my years of living would I have thought I would get your number."
"Well your special I've never given my number to a random stranger let alone a fan of mine."
"How I'm I special?"
"I don't know you seem to intrigue me. With your adorable smile and your Y/e/c and your voice."
"Well I could say the same with your hypnotizing eyes, chilling angelic voice, stunning body, with your beautiful personality, your just perfect inside and out."
"Wow never heard someone say that about me."
"Well I'm glad I'm the first to say that. I know we just met but would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow?"
"Like a date?"
"Maybe, maybe not, who knows how they night will go."
"I'll be happy to go with you."
"Well alrighty"

Y/n and Ariana continued to talk until the sun rose again. Let's just say Y/n was thankful that he was able to go to the concert.

A/n: IM BACK!!! It's been a long time. This is my new imagine book obviously it's an Ariana Grande imagine book. Thanksgiving break is here I'm going to try to update a lot this week but it may not happen because I have 3 unit tests the following week I come back from break. And those are important cause I need to get an A on them. I have made a plan to rewrite 5 years, and Dream of a hybrid. I'm going to update my Kendall Jenner imagine book as well and try to update my SuperCorp and SnowBarry one shot book. Hope y'all enjoyed this! Leave a comment or vote or don't.

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