A Sea Captain's Tall Tales!

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This bragging captain of a fishing boat

Is known among his crew for his tall tales!

How he  kept his sturdy boat  afloat

In spite of blizzards, hurricanes and gales!

Of fish he caught one ocean liner long!

Each eye  the size of one  large bowling ball!

How he netted one because he's strong

In towering waves - four scary stories tall!

He says his boat was climbing walls of green

And as waves swamped the deck the panic grew!

Waves tall as ninety feet he says he' seen!

If only this sea captain's tales were true!

He tells of seeing mermaids swim

With hair like strands of sea weed

The chances that he did are mighty slim

He says they swam with very graceful speed!

How fighting hurricanes made sailors tired

How their fishing boat bounced like a cork!

How the galley cook was finally fired

For all he ever cooked was boiled pork!

He says that years of sailing in fierce gales

Only made him braver and much stronger

And each time the captain tells his whopper tales

His nose appears to grow a little longer! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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