Chapter 2 : Water

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A/N: This chapter takes place in an airport. 

Matt reaches his hand over my shoulder and grabs the cup sitting on my left armrest. I glance up at him, away from my computer screen, as his hand bumps my neck when he moves it back towards him. His cheeks glow a slight red. "Just- just filling up water." I find his reason skeptical and raise my eyebrows, but he has already turned away. He quickly walks over to the water fountain and actually fills it up. When he walks back, he reaches his hand around my back to put the bottle in its spot and lingers there for a little longer than he should.

I glance up at him again. "You're distracting me from the sketches we have to perform in less than 24 hours."

Matt shrugs. "You've been working on those sketches for more than 24 hours. Don't you need a break?"

"I could have taken a break by filling up that water that you just filled up for me." I fire at him. He shrugs. "Now you're taking a break by talking to me."

I roll my eyes. "Smooth, Matt. Smooth."

Matt smiles, and lays his hand over mine "Yes. Does that mean you're going to talk to me?"

I look up at him. "Sure!" I say, way too excited. "About the sketches?" I plaster an attempt at a charming smile on my face.

He laughs. Ah, what a nice sound, Matt's laugh. I zone in on the fact that Matt just laughed, and not on the fact that he is still talking. He points at three places on my screen and says something. I must have a distracted look on my face, because he gently touches my cheek and the loud noises of the airport come back to me. "Mal. You okay?"

I blink. "Um, actually," and my voice trails off. 

He smiles knowingly and grabs the water he just filled up. "Let me help you then. I guess it is good I filled this up." He goes to pour water on my head, and I quickly grab the container out of his hand. 

"Meese! How dare you?!" 

He smirks "Ah, it might have woken you up. Anyway, what about these three places?" 

I quickly drink some water, and he notices. I try to hold back a grin when he nods proudly at the fact that I am using his gift. "You're welcome!" He interjects,  and then we talk about the sketches. 

A/N: ummmm this was really short again. Sorry?

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