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On the date February 27th 2001, at around 3:25 am, I came into the world. That's pretty much all I can tell you about my birth, however I can carry on telling you about my life growing up. Not long after I was born, I was being rushed in and out of hospital almost everyday. It was almost as if I shouldn't of been on the earth at all. I'm not going to go into to much detail but I had something wrong with me where if I got to hot I'd have fits. If I was around certain things for too long I'd have fits and so on. Crazy, right? That's just the beginning. The first 2-3 years of my life I was scared, scared of literally anything. Put me on sand I would scream. Put me near water I would scream. Show me any kind of animal, that's right. I'd scream. It was very unusual. I know what you're thinking, my parents must have been so fed up with me. Yeah you're right. But that didn't put them off. That's right those of you who know me personally, will know that I am the middle child out of 7. That is correct, 3 older siblings, and 3 younger siblings. Sucks right? So that was the first 2-3 year of my life. Scared of everything and In and out of hospital. It was pretty boring at that point. However one day when I was about 3 and a half years old something happened that left everyone in shock. I had an accident. I was dropped on my head about 9 feet above the ground. I know what you're thinking don't worry "did I just read that correctly?"  Yes. Yes you did. Here you go one more time ... I was dropped on my head about 9 feet from the ground. I was fine thanks for asking guys. Me and my dad went to pick my 3 older siblings up from school and I was on his shoulders and he was walking across a wall. He lost his footing and couldn't catch me I cracked my skull and had 5 very big stitches for a very small boy. Fact of the day "your head does genuinely sound like an egg cracking when dropped on it". What surprised us all was when I was discharge from the hospital, all of my fear was gone I was never scared of anything after that day. That's all I really have to say about the first 3 years or so of my life, don't worry because I am also yawning while writing this so it's not just you.

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