Chapter 1

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The sun was a dark beige. The clouds were giant and gray. The atmosphere was depressing and for good reason. My pack was being threatened by a predator.

As we sat on top of crates on our land known as Port, we watched as the rex paced on the ground below. It glared at us and roared threateningly. Even if you didn't see the glint in its yolk-colored eyes, you could tell it wanted us dead.

Poor Trunk. He shouldn't have harassed the beast. Then this never would've happened. Then again, Trunk wasn't very bright. His brain was... well, a trunk. That's probably why his mother, my sister Dewbreak, named him such, as he waddled around like a headless Taco right when he hatched.

My thoughts drifted back to the rex, who continued to pace the crates, eyeing us with its spherical pupils. The closer I looked at those eyes, the more I realized that they didn't look threatening at all. It made the giant beast look dumb-looking and cowardice. It made me chuckle inside. I would've burst out laughing, but I didn't want to alert the rex or the rest of my pack.

The sun was now hanging over the mountains. The colors in the sky started to shift. The evening was upon us. The rex wouldn't stop pacing or staring at us. I could tell the pack wanted it to sit down and sleep so that they could bite it. I would agree, but after what happened to Trunk, I wasn't taking any chances.

All of a sudden, a distant roar pierced the night sky like a knife. The rex stopped pacing. It looked around, its head held high. The pack and I watched as the nostrils of the rex flared. It was trying to smell.

Then, the rex turned at the sound of rustling bushes. It strained its eyes and peered into the gloominess of the leaves. The rustling stopped. Everything went quiet. The only thing I could hear was the rex's heavy breathing and my own, small breaths.

Then, without warning, a black figure burst from the trees. The pack was on edge as an even bigger carnivore charged at the rex, mouth wide open and eyes narrowed.

The rex didn't have time to think. It watched with a horrified look as the black carnivore grabbed its neck and pinned it. The larger carnivore sunk its teeth into the rex's neck, causing blood to pour out of the open wounds. The rex roared in pain. Or, what sounded like a roar, as the rex was now spitting blood on the stone ground.

Then, the carnivore took its three-fingered forearms and grasped the rex on its body and its head. Its claws dug into the rex's eye. I heard a loud pop as the eye exploded in a flurry of red liquid that spilled across the rex's forehead and onto the ground, colliding with the blood from the mouth.

The rex started to kick at the other carnivore's sides, causing an open slash wound. The other carnivore took its right leg and slammed it onto the rex's leg. An ear-splitting crack filled the air as the rex's leg was broken. The rex's roars of pain were now the sounds of gurgling blood.

I was surprised that the rex was still alive. It was losing so much blood from the attack by the larger carnivore. But, finally, the carnivore released the rex's neck. Using its claws and immense strength, it turned the rex onto its back. The broken leg hung limp on the rex's side in a way that made me cringe. Then, the carnivore bit into the lower half of the jaw, near the trachea. The rex gurgled more blood as the carnivore tore at the rex's neck. Then, it happened.

Sssssnnap! The rex stopped gurgling. The carnivore now had the trachea and several veins and arteries hanging from its mouth. The neck of the rex was cut open completely, with blood spewing out like a fountain.

The carnivore threw down the trachea and stomped on it. Blood squirted from the veins. The carnivore lifted its foot and stomped on it again, completely flattening the neck.

I looked around at the pack. All of them had a face of shock. Dewbreak was hiding Trunk's younger brother behind her claw. The rest of the raptors had their eyes widened in shock. They had seen many dinosaurs die in a gruesome manner, but that... that was too much, even for me and my pack.

The carnivore shook the damaged trachea off of his foot and stomped off. Right when the carnivore turned its back on the mutilated rex, the pack and I ran for the body and started to eat it. Because of the rex, we didn't have anything to eat for days. But with the rex dead, we finally had a pretty decent meal!

As I ate, I felt a shadow loom over me. Then, I felt something drop on my head. I look up at the shadow and find the carnivore staring at me, blooding dripping from his teeth.

"You enjoying that?" the carnivore asked me. I didn't know what to do. Was this thing going to kill us, or leave us alone? With this in mind, all I did was nod silently.

"Good," the carnivore snarled, spitting blood on my face, "Because you're going to have more of those in the future."

"How so?" Dewbreak asked through a mouthful of a patch of skin.

"If you come with me," the carnivore explained, "Then you will have all the meals you want. If you come with me, we will cull the numbers of many, many herbivores. Very soon, the hills will be covered in carcasses... just for you and me."

It sounded like a good deal. But I started to grow suspicious. It was against the law to kill all the herbivores in the land, but then again, it was against the law to pester a group of raptors when food was plentiful. So, I thought about it for a minute. Then, I realized that everything evened out: this rex broke the law. Because of that, we were going to break the law for payback on the rex's crimes.

I turned to the big carnivore and told him, "I and the pack would be happy to join you. We haven't eaten in days due to this law-breaking rex. It's time to get payback for what this rex has caused."

The carnivore grew a big, red smile.

"That's the spirit," it snarled. It did a funky turn and started to head towards the main entrance to Port. It turned its head and roared, "You guys finish the carcass. I'll wait over here."

I turned back and continued eating, as did the rest of the pack. After a while, my stomach started to get groggy. I was full. I turned to the other raptors. Several were still eating, so I waited until they were finished. When those raptors took their last big gulp of meat, I roared and dashed towards the waiting carnivore, the pack following close behind.

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