chapter one

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Gordie, Teddy, and Chris are all hanging out in the treehouse they claimed as theirs. Chris and Teddy are playing poker while Gordie admires the way Teddy and Chris argue and mock each other. Occasionally he notices the way that they silently judge each other by who wins.

Gordie loves writing. He's been writing a lot since his older brother, Denny, passed away. He's been writing notes and letters to himself, poems, and angst reminders that everything that happened was supposed to happen. After the funeral, his father has been telling Gordie that he was the one that was supposed to die, not Denny. Everybody loved Denny, and why would they love his little brother? He hangs out with a bad group unlike his brother. Gordie has been recently hanging out in the treehouse. Not wanting to bother his mother or father some more, he decided only to go back home for dinner and bed. Chris has been realizing Gordie's actions, but he promised not to tell the group.

Chris has the same family back home. An alcoholic father and a mother who isn't there. He hates to even call his father his own, but he loves him. He knows how bad of a person he is but he raised him who he is. If he wasn't an alcoholic Chris wouldn't be friends with the group. They wouldv'e went their separate ways in school and have never known each other.

Teddy also has an alcoholic father. His father got so mad at him that he dragged him by the ear and almost burnt it off. He doesn't even want to know how bad of a father his father is. Even though people call his such awful names, deep down he knows, behind all that alcohol, he wouldn't have done anything.

Vern is the closest friend with Teddy. When Gordie and Chris are hanging out, Vern and Teddy will always be with each other. Even if Vern is the chubbiest and shortest out of the friend group, they will never leave him. The other three guys are jealous that he has a perfect family at home. They all know that Vern is the good friend, but he's a pussy at some times. He gets picked on by his brother, Ace, and that gang. He never gets the bad thoughts though, he loves all his friends and his family. Little did the other boys know, but Vern had a secret.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone." Vern interrupts as the boys are howling to know.

"I just think you're a pussy then." Teddy says while Vern looks at his face.

"No i'm not a pussy, i just can't say or my brother will kill me."

"Fine man, but you're still a pussy." Chris says while knocking on the table while saying 'i knocked' to Teddy.

Gordie looks back to the magazine that he's reading while he notices Vern thinking to himself, Chris putting a cigarette in his mouth, and Teddy talking nonsense.

"You guys wanna see a dead body?" Vern blurts out.

"A dead body?" Teddy echoes.

"Yes, i know where one is at."

"No you don't man. You don't even remember where you planted those coins under your house." Chris says.

"But guys! I know where a dead body is at." Vern whines, he wants his friends to believe him.

"I don't think he's lying," Gordie begins. "On the news it said that a kid our age got killed near the train track. But i'm not sure if his body is still there."

"Shit man, if we find the body we will be on tv!" Teddy enthusiastically yells.

"Yea! But won't people suspect why us middle schoolers finds a dead body?" Chris wonders, still with a cigarette in his mouth.

"That's fair." the other three mumble.

Later on after that the four boys continued to talk about their plan about finding the body. They barely get out of town so it'll be hard for them to find a dead body. In Castle Rock, everyone knows everyone and everywhere. If they start walking now, they might find the body later this week.

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