Chapter 2

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Kings Cross Station was bustling with many people, all of which where going to or from London, getting on trains or waiting for the next train to whisk them away. What most of these people failed to see however was some people running practically into a wall! Well at least thats what non-magical people or muggles would think, Witches and wizards alike knew better. It was platform 9 3/4, where school age children form 11-17 would board the Hogwarts express to begin, continue, or end their education. The platform itself was nearly as busy as the station outside the walls. The only difference being that people were coming and going either through the door, floo or apparition. This is where Alice and her parents arrived, in this organized chaos with plenty of time to spare. Alice being in an unknown place hung onto her mothers hand more tightly then before. Her mother gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before guiding the trio's way towards the train.

At one of the train's many entrances Alice's father got on and put her trunk in the holding spot for her in an empty compartment. Her mother still holding onto Alice's hand, "Well sweetheart looks like your all set. I love you, and don't forget to owl. Also, it doesn't matter to me nor your mother what house you get into, we'll love you regardless of the house. For the house you are in does not judge the character you are or will become." Her father told her with a kiss to her forehead. Alice nodded to her father then gave them each a wide smile,

"Don't worry Mama, Papa, I know that I will make you proud with my house. I'll owl you daily, or as close to daily as I can. I love you both, see you at Christmas." Alice told them giving each of them a hug before taking her new owl from her mothers hand.

"Before you go dear, what is your owls name?" her mother asked as she crouched down to Alice's level. Alice put her finger to her chin in thought.

"I think that I'll name her, Artemis." Alice told her mother with a smile.

"I believe that to be a very suiting name for her dear." Her mother told her with a kiss to the forehead as she rose to stand. With a wave goodbye Alice's mother and father were gone. Alice quickly climbed into the train and took a seat in her compartment. This was her first time being alone without her mother or father in reach. Needless to say Alice disliked the strange emotions she was feeling. So instead of sitting and staring off at the crowded platform Alice climbed up to her trunk and grabbed a book to read. What she grabbed ended up being a book on myths and legends from Ancient Greece. After awhile all the noise around Alice slowly began to become nothing but a whisper of noise to the young girl. She was swept up into the myths found within her book and become unaware of the young boy standing in the compartment doorway, trying to get her attention. The boy in question sighed again before entering the compartment and taking a seat next to Alice, who still hadn't noticed a thing. Well at least until the boy took the book from her hands gently and closed it, making sure to not lose her place. Alice however was a little surprised then angered at the fact that someone did that. When she turned to the culprit she froze. She never met the boy but she knew who he was, Draco Malfoy. She had read about his family, and what his father and mother had done during the last wizarding war. Draco raised his eyebrow at the girl, "What? Is there something on my face?" He asked as he started to feel his face to see what the problem was. Alice shook her head as her reply,

"I'm sorry. No there is nothing on your face. I was just, I guess you could say, scared, I've never really met someone my age or close to my age before today." she explained to him.

"Well I guess thats enough reason to be frozen in place. I'm Draco Malfoy by the way, whats your name?" He told her with a smile and extended hand. Alice took his hand and shook it,

"Alice Jones, and the owl is Artemis." Alice answered to him with a smile.

"Well Artemis is a pretty name, but did you name her that because of the book your reading?" Draco asked as he waved said book in his hand. Alice nodded then put her hand out in a silent offer to have her book back. Draco complied and gave her book back to her.

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