Endless Search

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~Marvel' s P.O.V.~

I woke up cold. The morning was bitter. I sat up and looked around. My dogs were pacing back and forth uneasily. This worried me. I got up and walked over to Gunvor, she hesitated to look at me and kept pacing. I walked over to Cheveyo and pet his soft head. He froze and sniffed me, as if to make sure I was okay. Satisfied he padded over to the fire and emptied my canteen into it. I was stunned. That had been our only water. He padded back and past me to a tree. I followed curiously. I heard trickling. I tripped over a root and cut my leg. I could feel the blood flowing out of it. Cheveyo nudged me to my feet and to the tree. I saw water.

The water was in a small pool wrapped in a tree root. The water glowed. I had not even noticed Cheveyo went back and got me my canteen. He dropped it at my side. I picked it up, and dipped it into the spring. When it was full I pulled it back out. The water gurlged and filled back up. I drank from my canteen. And poured water on my injury. It felt very soothing. I refilled it and again watched as it gurlged and filled completely again.

I got up and walked over to Thanatos and scratched him behind the ears. His paw thumped on the ground in approval. I laughed and whistled. Gunvor padded over to me, and sat. I turned to whistle to Bearnard but he stood right behind me staring at me. I knew what he wanted. I stood up on my toes and hugged him around the neck. He formed a big grin on his face. I unwrapped my arms and turned to Gunvor hooking the canteen onto my belt, next to my knife. She bowed and I climbed on her back. I pet her neck and she stood up. The others stepped forward on her side's, creating a line.

"Tokij!" I said quickly. They all lurched forward taking off, while keeping a straight line. I leaned forward as they picked up speed so I wouldn't fly off. We were headed for a new home. We knew it was a preposterous hope. Normal society didn't accept Prospers, they saw them as weapons that needed to be fighting their wars. But most importantly they thought of them as giant monsters. They were so wrong. So very, very wrong. We were almost constantly on the move, being hunted and tracked down since the day I fled from the army. We were on an endless search for peace and a home.

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