"I'll watch over him," Castiel says, standing and urging Dean to do the same. "Though we do appreciate the offer."

"Right," Sam eyes his brother who still won't look at him. "Okay, thank you, I'm going to get a shower now. If you need anything, I'm in room 210." Sam gives a quick nod and hoists his bag higher up onto his shoulder before leaving the lobby to find his room.

Cas looks at the number on the keycard he was given, 602, and takes Dean's bag for him, along with his own. As the two make the short trip to the elevator, Dean's hand finds Castiel's. The comfort that this simple action brings Dean is almost overwhelming for him. Castiel feels admiration flow through him and he holds on to Dean's hand for dear life. As the elevator doors open and then close behind them Dean leans his head on Castiel's shoulder, emotions not needing to be put into spoken language. The small gesture of intimacy between the two beings was language enough on its own to confirm what both of them have been feeling develop between them. There's something more there than just a simple dominant and submissive sexual power exchange.

Once in the room, hands just now dropping their grip from each other, Dean heads straight from the shower. Castiel can read from his body language that he needs a moment alone, so he favors the main room. He rids himself of his trench coat, suit jacket, and tie, and opens his bag in search of the one change of clothes he brought. The soft pajama pants and Led Zepplin t-shirt, that both at one point belonged to Dean, lie at the top of the bag. As he takes them out, his eye is caught by something that he's been bringing everywhere with him lately, in case the moment ever came that he and Dean were to need it. It's just a bottle of lube, but the image of him fucking Dean that it sears into his mind is hard to ignore.

Castiel hears the water begin running in the bathroom and it drags his thought away from impurity. He undresses and puts on the pajama pants, leaving his top half exposed so that his wings have a chance to unfurl. The ebony feathers span widely across the room, and the few solitary and randomly placed golden feathers reflect the dim light coming in from the balcony.

After stretching and massaging his back as best he could, he decides to get Dean a fresh change of clothes. He sorts through Dean's bag, messily thrown together as always, and manages to find a worn t-shirt, a pair of flannel pajama pants, and a clean pair of underwear. He folds them up neatly and places them on the sink in the bathroom that Dean had left open.

With his interest peaked by the view from the window, Castiel steps out onto the balcony and leans on the ledge. His wings match the width of the space, so he drapes them across the ledge, the light breeze passing over the top of them cools and refreshes him.

Time passes as he just observes the city below him. He doesn't hear Dean finish his shower, nor does he hear him stepping onto the balcony, so when a pair of hands are suddenly on his wings, he jumps.

"Cas, they're beautiful," Dean marvels at the wings, running his hands up and down the ridge of them.

Castiel dips his head and sighs. "I hadn't meant for you to see them," he says quietly, "Not yet at least, but I suppose it's no big deal." Except it was, in fact, a big deal. To Cas, showing his wings to a human is a bit like exposing yourself fully naked to someone you love for the first time. Dean had seen Castiel fully naked before, but this was different. To Cas, it implied a deeper level of trust and intimacy.

Cas' thoughts are disrupted by a chaste kiss being placed between his shoulder blades. "Well I think they're gorgeous," Dean says against the angel's skin. His arms wrap around the angel's waist and he presses himself against Cas. Dean kisses the back of Cas' neck again, then again, then again, each kiss holding more lust than the last. Castiel sighs as Dean teasingly bites at the soft skin.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Dean?" Castiel asks with a slight chuckle. He turns around and leans his back against the ledge, wings cascading over it and suspending themselves in the air. To an unsuspecting eye looking up at the building, they simply look like a closed balcony glass door reflecting the city lights back on itself. However, to Dean, the wings seem to awaken something deep within him that he didn't know was residing there.

Dean leans forward and kisses along Cas' neck, searching for the spot that makes the angel give in to his human instincts and sigh. Upon finding this spot, Dean bites down and sucks at the skin, leaving a dark mark behind. His hands wander up Cas' back and to the base of the wings protruding from it. He runs his fingers through the unbelievably soft feathers there while sucking another mark onto Castiel's neck.

A broken shudder falls from Castiel's mouth and he rolls his shoulders back. Dean's hands in his wings are sending jolts of electricity coursing through his physical body. He's almost forgotten what it's like to have someone running their fingers through his wings. When Dean takes one feather between in his hand and runs his thumb along the ridge, Castiel's knees almost buckle and give out below him. Cas' hands lunge forward, gripping onto Dean's shirt with such force that he fears he tore it for a moment.

"Sensitive, are they?" Dean asks smugly, face still buried in the angel's neck.

Cas regains his balance and composes himself again. "It, uh." He hums as Dean cards his fingers through the feathers again. "Has been a while since someone has touched them like this. In this context." More combing from Dean, and more sighing from Cas. "Centuries, actually."

Dean finds a single feather again and repeats his actions from before, running his thumb along the ridge over and over again. As he does so he uses his free hand to palm at the angel's dick that is getting harder with each passing second. Curses drop from Castiel's mouth as Dean teases him. Part of him wants to drag this teasing out for as long as he possibly can, while another part of him wants to grab dean by the hair and use his mouth as nothing more than a fuckhole.

Luckily he doesn't have to make a decision. Dean releases his grip on Cas' wing and goes down to his knees in front of his Dom. "Don't I owe you a favor or something?" Dean asks with a smirk as he pulls Castiel's pants down just far enough for his erection to spring free.

"Fuck, just get on with it." Castiel grunts as he grabs a fistful of Dean's hair and pulls his mouth closer to his dick. Dean gasps at the pressure but takes to the task without hesitation. Castiel nearly loses control as Dean takes him in his mouth with his hand working on what he can't handle. For the record, that isn't much. Castiel arches his back against the cool metal of the railing.

Castiel keeps his eyes clenched shut because he knows that the eye contact Dean would be making would send him over the edge, and he wants to attempt to drag this out.

Dean moves slowly up and down his dick, enjoying the sighs and curse words tumbling from the angel's unholy mouth. He gets lost in the task. Not even his own aching erection is more important than making Castiel cum right now.

"Fuck, Fuck Dean, here," Castiel moves one of his wings near Deans's free hand. Castiel's instructions are broken and interrupted with moans, but Dean understands 'rub... feathers.' So he does. Dean has never heard such loud moans come from the angel before. His thumb grazing the ridge of a feather, his hand working the base of Castiel's cock, and his tongue gliding on the length of his cock is enough to make Cas see stars. As much as he wants to make this last forever, he's cumming fast.

His orgasm rips through his physical body and then out through his wings. Dean's hand jerks away from Castiel's wing as an intense wave of energy rushes through him and forces an orgasm through him as well. They both yell in pleasure, not caring what the neighboring hotel rooms are thinking.

After regaining his composure, and his balance, Castiel helps Dean to his feet and redresses himself. "Thank you," he says and kisses Dean on the forehead.

"You're welcome, Sir," Dean says in a hushed voice. He chuckles and looks down at his underwear. "I'm going to go take another shower. Get some rest and I'll come to bed in a few?"

Castiel nods with a smile and follows Dean back inside. He lays down in the bed and rests his eyes, listening to the water running in the bathroom again. It isn't long before Dean joins him in bed, laying himself against Cas' side and resting his head on his chest. Castiel wraps one wing around Dean and lets the other drape across the bed and onto the floor. The two of them fall asleep in this embrace to peaceful dreams, but both with the same question looping in their mind.

'Do I love him?...'

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