Chapter Two

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-Third Person View-

It was Reiji and Mei's twelfth birthday and their parents threw them a party, Ai, Camus, Ranmaru, Eiichi and a few more were there. At the table during dinner, Eiichi requested to speak to Mei alone, the request was granted and they walked into the hallway. "Listen, you will do as I say or I will kill Reiji. Understand?" Eiichi said in a harsh tone, Mei nodded, to show that she will do what he wants.

"You will get a new room, never leave it, study hard, stop smiling and you won't see anyone other then your mother, maids and Tudor. Why? Because your father had agreed for you and I so be betrothed in five years. And I don't want you hanging around those idiots you call friends, I also want a smart bride. You will do these things or I will kill your brother. Got it?" Eiichi continued saying in a harsh tone. Mei looked down and nodded. "H-Hai, Fiancée-Sama..." Mei whispered.

"Now you may go back in there... This is the last time you'll see Reiji and those nerds for a while" Eiichi said, Mei did as she was told and walked back in the dinning room and sat at her seat. She just stared at her plate. "Mei-Chan, what's wrong?" Ai asked. Mei never answered. "Mei! What's wrong!" Ranmaru yelled, but again, no answer. "Mama, Papa, I would like to have my own room, a Tudor, and have my food brought to me everyday. He room has to have a bathroom and I will not leave the room for a long time..." Mei said, emotionlessly, when she was really heartbroken.

She learned how to have private thoughts and keep them away from Reiji. Their parents agreed on Mei's requests and they continued the rest of the day like normal. Eiichi thought he had gotten away with what he said. But Camus heard everything while he was walking back from the bathroom.

That night, Mei hugged her friends and her twin tightly, then cried herself to sleep every night after that day when everything she loved, was out of her reach.

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