The Pitt's chalet!

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, let's not talk about that with our in laws" I laugh "Oh believe me you guys are not the worst case here"

"Mom I'm starving and neither Ally and Catie want to cook something for me" Kaid runs out acting as if it was a life or death situation

"Well ask Jake or Josh or Calie..." I sigh already knowing what he's answer is going to be "Neither of them want to do it and Catie says she's too tired"

" you guys want some chili? Since it's really cold it could be good"

"Oh yeah Mom's homemade chili!" He runs back inside informing everybody

"Well I guess now I have to go to the grocery store"I give Brad a peck then get back inside with Carol following me

"Well I'm coming with you"

I eventually decide to check on all the chili I have simmering as everyone else talks, listening to the playful fighting of the kids as I walk by. They don't seem to notice me until I open the pots and they all come flooding in the kitchen like they've been starving all day.

They crowd around me all trying to see if it's done, but are also too infatuated in whatever game they're playing to care enough to help with any of it.

"Mom," Catie walks back in after a while, looking around "Have you seen my glasses? I wanna take my contacts out, my eyes are really dry."

"No, sorry honey. I have eye drops if you wanna try them. Were you driving? You never have dry eyes."

"Jake drove most of the way, I think it's just the weather here."

I put some finishing touches in the chili as she walks out, realizing too late that my taste tester is now gone, so I have to improvise.

I decide to call in reinforcement for some help to make sure it's definitely done.

Babe, can you come try this chili?

Only if you let me eat it off you. You know your cooking is best that way.

I should've known after the cupcakes we ate last night that that's how you like my cooking... so glad we have a private room here.

Thank God we do, if we didn't we could have charged everyone for the show they would have seen last night. The cupcakes were amazing though, baby. You gotta make them more. With some extra icing this time.

My back is still sore from everything. I had to lie to Josh earlier when he asked why I had the heating pad out. We need to keep trying all these new things from your book 😂

Just make sure you have it ready for tomorrow... I already have ideas for tonight's fun and they won't be any easier on you. 😚🤭

Can't wait baby. 😍

I finally hear the back door close and know he's walking in, so I get a spoon ready for him, blowing on the chili as he walks up to me.

"This will be even better than yesterday."

"Hmm, you must've really worked hard on it then."

He leans in for a kiss, surprising me as he wraps his arms further around my body, pulling me in closer. I melt into him as it continues, loving all the affection this chalet has always given us.

"Okay, let me try it now." He separates after a while, taking the spoon from me "It looks amazing."

I stand back, waiting on his verdict, but I can quickly tell it did not cool down enough for him.

"I didn't mean eat the whole damn thing at once."

"Well... it's good. Very hot, but very good."

We hand out bowls to everyone as we sit around the living room, eating around the fire where we feel like a huge family. We all get to talk and share funny stories as the night goes on, but I can't help but notice how different both Catie and Ally seem.

Ally looks away from Brad and I any time either of us get close to each other, and Catie could hardly finish her first bowl of chili when she normally eats it in seconds.

"They okay?" Brad leans into me, pointing at Catie and Jake walking towards the kitchen "They haven't said much all night."

"I guess, maybe they're just tired. They did have a long drive here, it couldn't have been too much fun. I'm more worried about Ally, she won't even look at us right now."

"Well, that could be because Cam has his tongue down her throat, he has pretty much since we sat down here."

"Yeah, but it seems like if we make eye contact she turns away immediately."

"I don't know, babe. At least the boys are having fun."

He points out that they're currently trying to wrestle with Michael while Carol and Calie cheer them on, obviously wanting Michael to lose.

"I'm so glad all of us can get along like this. It's really fun to share all these family moments with each other."

After dinner, everyone decides to go to bed, all excited for Christmas tomorrow, leaving Brad and I alone in front of the fireplace.  He tightly wraps his arms around me as I lean into him, remembering all the other times we've been alone here.

"Do you remember the first year we were here with Catie?  When she was just old enough to know about Santa?"

"Yeah, and she wouldn't let us leave her room for hours because she thought Santa would see us.  I fell asleep on her floor I think."

"You did, and then you freaking woke her on your way out.  Luckily I had time to put the presents out quickly."

"It's so much easier now that we don't have to deal with all that," he stares forward at the fire as we both reminisce on our past visits here "I can't wait to sleep in a little now that Kaid finally doesn't believe anymore."

"Seriously I thought we'd never get past the Santa days."

As we talk, I hear someone running down the steps into the kitchen.  We both look over to see Ally, but she still refuses to even look at us as she walks through the room.

"You okay, honey?"

"I'm just getting some water."

She darts into the kitchen, trying to be extra quiet on her way back so we don't hear her.

"Hey what's wrong with you tonight?" Brad finally walks over to the kitchen himself, trying to figure it out "You've been really quiet."

"You really don't know?"

"No, Ally.  What is it?"

She runs upstairs, causing me to get up ready to chase her and get an answer, but before I can she's back in the kitchen handing Brad her phone. 

"Uhh Jen..." he walks over towards me, showing me the screen "I think I know why she won't look at us."

I read the messages, realizing I made a HUGE mistake earlier when I wanted to text Brad.

"You have your answer, can I get away from the two of you now?"

"Ally..." I sigh, thinking of how to go about this "Obviously you weren't supposed to see them.  I'm sorry, but you should have sent something.  We would have stopped."

"I was too grossed out!  You two have to be more careful.  This is the second time."

"We're sorry.  We'll pay more attention next time."

"Or just don't send anything at all."

"That's asking way too much of your dad."


"We love you, Ally."

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