On Cakes and laundry

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There's no better sign than having a blood moon in the sky. Or so Ben's mom had always told him. Its destiny's way of letting you know there's an adventure waiting to happen. Well... Ben cannot deny her mother's words were not proving to be true so far in his life. The last time he saw one of these, he was walking back from his friend - Margo's house - late at night. He had been halfway home when he realised he had left the keys to his house at Margo's. The streets had been pretty empty but he hadn't paid much attention at the time, as he had practically trotted back only pausing under a streetlamp to catch his breath. And that is when it had happened. The silence had wrapped around him like a blanket and his spine went rigid as an iron rod. The thought of running struck him at the same time when the guy from the dark alley - near the street lamp - pounced on him from behind. He easily overpowered Ben owing to his strong build and Ben's lack thereof - his 16 year old body was scrawny even by teenage boy standards. He was so focused on trying to wriggle free from the Man's weight, he saw the fangs a minute too late.

WHAM, BAM AND SLAM - And just like that, our Ben, the emo kid around the neighbourhood, transformed into a vampire. Yes, you heard that right. Ben is now a 6 ft. tall, high cheek-boned saphhire eyed and raven haired emo vampire who expresses his distress by turning his room into a trash can and then having the gall to call it a 'bedroom' as if a 'bed' given any say in the matter would willingly co-exist with him on a daily basis. But we sympathize with Ben. Being turned into an immortal with supernatural abilities when he was just at the advent of transitioning into the prime of his life, is the most inconvenient indeed. Can you imagine the burden of having to pretend you're allergic to cupcakes of all things! You cant just go around telling people - Oh hey, I drink blood now. Preferably sapien. - Savage monster or not, there are protocols to maintain. No need to unnecessarily call down the frown of society upon oneself. 21st century might have given vegans the thumbs up but blood drinkers - not so much.

All of this was not Ben's idea of course. This was literally stated in the list of protocols mandated by the Children of the Night. And that is exactly what it sounds like. A secret society of vampires which kind-of is their equivalent of a democracy. Except they're tad more progressive. Sort of. Their society in unrestrained by national or ethinic identities. A vampire is a vampire. No such thing as Society of Korean Vampires or Team of Irish bloodsuckers. All of that was far too much paperwork and mouthful to utter. They had different problems to deal with as it is. Like maintaining their secrecy. Or not get into an all out war with other magical creatures. Or helping new changlings like Ben become a civilised immortal. At least make him competent enough that he doesn't decide to express his passions by inserting fangs into things that have aortic pumps. So this past year they gave him a set of rules to help him settle into his new immortal life. This had also included a studio apartment in London and all sorts of cloths which protected against the sun. Also they gave him an eyepatch. Apparently vampires got special eyepatches to sleep these days. It was supposed to have some spell etched on it that helped his eyes recover from any possible damage daylight might cause. Vampire eyes went puffy and red like a baboon's ass if exposed to too much sunlight.

Ben didn't feel like he had much say in the matter. So he complied. Or at least tried to. He was just so confused by everything. And this was something that started even before he turned. He was barely thinking through about his purpose in life. Now suddenly he had unnaturally pale skin and an unlimited supply of time to pursue whatever he wanted. Dear god that sounded incredibly boring. Where was the fun in any of this! Its like life had given him everything he ever wanted without even asking and thereby rendered all his struggles till now pointless. He couldn't find any silver linings to this cloud. But perhaps that's a good thing since silver is on the list of THINGS LETHAL FOR VAMPIRES.
So Ben sulked a little these days. Okay, alot. Obviously this worried the leaders of Children of the Night. For reasons not yet disclosed, Ben was of particular interest to them. And to better integrate him into vampire society, they decided it's time for him to have some mentors. So they shipped him out of Britain.

The curious society of the  children of the nightΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα