Chapter 2

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Scream tore through his lips. Body, shaking in pain and agony.

They were erasing his memories. That he knew. Of course they would. He himself knew, how loyal he is to Raimon. If they had just given him the crystal and set him out to battle, he would had been able to fight it the moment he saw his friends' faces.

Even so, he wasn't going to make anymore easier for them to control him.

He knew, if he tried hard enough. They wouldn't be able to delete all his memories. It was a risky move, yes. But he would take it.

He's spent almost half a year in Kidou's side. He knows how to plan his strategies when he needs to.

He is a captain after all.

So, he focused. Focused on one specific memory. A memory that can help him break out of the hold the crystal would have on him.

The day they won the Football Fontier

It was the best bet. It had been the memory everyone was present. Even if most of the people in said memory were on the enemies side, he knew it would help.

The joy they had felt on that day. Nothing will ever be able to compare to the feel that day. He knew, the emotion, the nostalgia. He knew, the two feelings will be able to wake him, wake them. From the spell the crystal had on them.

However, that meant, every encounter, every match, everything he once knew will be gone. He would forget his friends, family and-


But he's willing to take it. To risk everything that made him Endou. He's willing to risk it all.


He had been focusing to hard, that he didn't even noticed that only one memory remained. He hoped he had hidden it well.

The door of the room he was confined in open. In comes Kazemaru. His face, blank as he stared at Endou's shaking form.

He was saying something. Endou noted. To him or someone else, he didn't know. He had to focus. Focus on this one memory. The one memory that he's started to wonder why he's trying to hide it.

Not soon long after, the power shut of, the straps-keeping him tied to the metal bed he was tied to-came undone as well

His eyes started to feel heavy all of a sudden. But he had to focus. He had feeling he had to be on high alert. That he can't relax. Not even for one second .

"Hey, Endou"

A sweat voice called to him. He could help but glance towards the sound. His brown eyes finding lighter ones.

"You don't have to be so tense. Just sleep. The worst is over"

He need he shouldn't. But the voice seemed so familiar. So kind and warm. He couldn't help but let his body loosen and his eyes drooped close.

The last thing he saw, was the soft smile morphed into a smirk and instantly he knew he had fallen into a trap.


It was a quiet trip back.

After everyone calmed down from the adrenaline coursing throught their veins, they had all silently got up and filed into the caravan.

There was a silent agreement that it would be much faster if they took the caravan to the underground base.

Which is where they are now. Still silent as they get their wounds checked up.

The chairman had called a few doctors and paramedics to help. It really didn't take long.

After the paramedics left, it took a few minutes, but then everything sinked in.

Everyone had their own reaction. Some were angry and some were betrayed. But none of those feelings can ever compared to the feeling of utter guilt and dissapointment.

They had failed.

They've failed to save the Dark Emperors. They've failed to stop them from taking Endou. They've failed to stop Kenzaki and his plans.

But then, one lone girl stood up. Her tears have long dried and her fist all curled up. Her brownish-green eyes held determination and resolve.

"We're getting them back"

With that one sentence, a spark lit up in everyone.

There's no use for mope or regret. They still had time. They can go save Endou--


They can still save them all

And Raimon will be damned if they gave up now.

"You think Aphrodi and Hiroto are up for a match?"

---------------End of Chapter 2---------------

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