Someone you loved🌙

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Nicknames are from those persons you love the most.
But sometimes it can be really hard to third wheel someone. The third wheeling is that feeling that is really annoying and hurtful. Well thats me. Third wheeling my best friend. We started having a distance since of Jenna Smith (r/n) his girlfriend. I started getting hateful just by her. She would always be mean at me mostly put a blame on me since i was always silent when she was around since I had no words to say only third wheeling.
Me and Johnny Orlando had been best friends for the longest. Well he started pushing me away. I never wanted to lose him. Right now im at our so called secret place which is a wide way with pink flowers around it and a white bench at the end if it. I interrupted my thoughts when a text came on from John.


I'll be there in five

Kay i'll be here waiting...

Kay cya

Kay cya2

^i closed the phone and after a few minutes i saw johnny running toward me stopping then trying to catch his breath. He sat next to me lazily with red and puffy eyes. He must've cried a lot. But why?. I thought to myself. What the hell is going on this time...

"John what happened are you okay?"
"I-i broke up with her..." he managed to say.
"Omg. Im so sorry. What have she done this time. Did she cheat on you or something?" I asked confused
"Well...yea she did cheat on me...and whats the worst...with my so called best friend..."
"Hay-" "yes Hayden y/n, freaking Hayden" he interrupted
"John im sorry..."
I emraced him in a warming tight hug like i would loose him if i let go. He cried in the crock of my neck. Somehow it was his comfort zone. I could feel wet drops in my neck. I felt bad for him. I cried too. Not that i was sad they broke up. But that it made me cry everytime Johnny cried too. I pulled away but he still had his head down.
"Hey-hey look at me....look...John...look at me!"
He did as i said. I cleared his fat tears while he sobbed out even more.
I couldn't manage to not cry.
"Everything is gonna be fine. Trust me. There are million girls out there waiting for you, yes i agree she was pretty,funny,,and amazing with a word have to get over her..."
"You're right. There are million girls out there but i still choose this one. 'She' is pretty,funny,amazing, she's the one who laughs at my stupid jokes. The one who always stand by my side. And im so thankful and blessed that she came in my life. I kind of like her. Or even love her....but i dont wanna lose her tho..."
"Wow, she looks amazing...really amazing... i knew kenzie is always gonna-" "kenzie?" What are you talking about y/n? Im not talking about kenzie,dont you recognize,please,i know you are smart and you have to know this y/n"
"But kenz..."-"stop...i dont like kenz"
"Then who do you l-"
I got cut by a soft plump lips. Of course it was johnny.
I kissed back tho.
Our kiss lasted for about 2 minutes. It was so sparkling. Our bodies were filled with butterflies.
I admit it wasnt my first kiss but this one was special. Really special.
We both pulled away. I was shoked.
"Yeah woah"
" glad i was someone you loved"
He gave me this smile. Which i've always fell for.
"I waited for a long time to say this..."
"Say what?"
"I love you with all my heart"
"...i-i love you too john"
"Ready for a race"
"I've born ready orlando"
"we'll see about it"
We connected our hands running. Never looking back. Meeting this guy wasnt a coincidence.

Phew! This was long af.
Well hope you enjoyed. I really tried.
What do you guys want next lmk down below. Maybe some soft smuts next??
Well anws.
I want to thank this queen
She have been my inspiration for so long.
Im really sad you didnt continue the book.
Please continue Amya. I love you❤
Till the next chapter... peace out!!


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