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Rhyme packed her final things into their boxes taking one last look around her room,the room that held so many memories that she would never forget.

"rhyme c'mon it's time to go" her younger sister called from downstairs

She took a deep breath turning and walking to the door the last box in her arms when something fell out of it- a Polaroid,

She bent down to pick it up glancing at the photo in hand the three of them huddled together wide smiles on their faces but both the boys eyes on her, she smiled weakly slipping it back in the box

Everything was different from then,

sam was basically a stranger.


She climbed out of her boyfriends car, her eyes shining seeing her new school

Her boyfriend came up behind her hugging her resting his chin on her shoulder

"this is really happening huh?" he whispered

"yup" she replied popping the p

"lets go find your dorm!" harmony squealed grabbing a box from the the car, rhyme chuckled and nodded in agreement grabbing herself a box and waiting for her boyfriend to do the same.

They headed into the massive building harmony leading the way using the piece of paper in hand

"264!" she exclaimed stopping outside the plain white wooded door.

Rhyme stood there her brain racking with thoughts

"what are you waiting for! I want to meet your room mate" harmony chimed snapping rhyme out of it,

she raised her hand pulling the door handle down and walking in.

A girl laid on one side of the room her blonde hair up in a ponytail and a stern focus on her phone in hand

"you must be rhyme!" she squealed snatching her attention away from the phone and jumping up "im amber" she greeted sticking her hand out for rhyme to take,

rhyme accepted shaking her extended hand.

"it's nice to meet you" rhyme spoke a warm smile on her lips "this is my little sister harmony" rhyme introduced and the brown haired girl jumped forward

"is your hair natural woah" harmony gawked making amber chuckle

"yeah it is, is yours naturally curly?" they soon started a conversation about their hair, rhyme smiled turning to her boyfriend

he took her in his arms looking down at her

"she seems nice" he muttered only loud enough for rhyme to hear

"she does" rhyme agreed making him smile

"i'm going to miss you"

"me too" rhyme replied when he leaned down planting a kiss on her lips

"and who may this be?" amber interrupted and they pulled away turning their attention towards her

"this is my boyfriend" rhyme said "tk"

Tk hugged her close placing a kiss on her head

"cuteeeee" amber dragged out "im amber as you know" she added and tk nodded her way leaning into rhyme and whispering in her ear

"i'm gonna head to get the rest of the boxes i'll be back soon"

she nodded and he left the room harmony running after him

"so rhyme whats your major?" amber asked flopping onto her bed

"i'm thinking journalism"

"ooo cool im more into the beauty side of it all" she replied as rhyme took a seat on her own bed

"whats it like here?" rhyme questioned knowing amber had been here awhile longer than her

"it's not too bad its definitely different to highschool but after a few months everything falls into place...... what about that boyfriend of yours he go here?" she asked

rhyme began pulling out a picture frame from one of her boxes and gently rubbing her hand over it

"no he doesn't" rhyme said staring at the picture

"well that sucks"

"yeah it does but we're strong we've been through alot we can get through this" rhyme said confidently her eyes not leaving the picture of her and tk

we can get through this she told herself placing the frame on the bedside table and smiling

i've got this

{part one :) oof rhyme and tk are back together how y'all feeling?}

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