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"I'm gonna have to go right back to the hospital after this." Larray said, bending down on his sprained knee.

He pulled out a blue suede box.

"Y/n. I've been with you for four years, six months, twenty-five days, fourty-five minutes, and..." He looked at his watch. "twenty seconds, twenty-one seconds, twenty-two seconds, twenty-three seconds, twe-"

"Larri! He gets it!" Issa said.

Larray glared at his bestfriend and then looked at me.

"Four years is a long time to deal with my bullshit. If you were most guys, I would've cut you off after the third date. You aren't most guys. You're y/n. My y/n. My babyboy. The key to my heart. My prince." He said.

"Oh my God! This is the most boring proposal I've ever seen!" James said.

"Y/n. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and become Mr. Merrit?" He asked.

"Oh. I think he's gonna say no." James said.

"He probably is." Issa said.

"James! Issa! Go away! And yes! I will marry you!" I say.

"It would've been so funny if he said no." Issa said.

Larray stood up and slipped the ring on my finger. He kissed my forehead and then my lips.



"Why these tuxedos so small?" James said.

"They aren't. You got yours in that size." I said, fixing my bowtie.

"How do I look?" Issa walked in.

"Almost better than me." I say, putting on my shoes. I stood up straight.

"Ready?" James asked me.

"Yeah." I say.

"I remember you saying you would never get married. Fuckin any guy that walked. Surprised you aren't walking around with a sexual transmitted dise-"

I elbow him in his stomach and he doubles over in pain.

"Good Lord!" He wheezed. "Issa told me to say it."

"That's why ion like yo' faggot ass." Issa said.

"You one too bitch." James slowly stood up.

"Stop arguing all the time." I say as I walk down the isle.

"Wait till I get to Rottweiler looking ass home." James discreetly slapped Issa in the back of his head.


"Do Larri Merrit take Y/n Y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and health, till death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do." I say.

"Do you Y/n Y/l/n take Larri Merrit to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health, til death do you part?" He asked y/n.

"I do." He said.

"By the power invested in me by the state of California, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your lover." He smiled

I pull y/n into a passionate kiss.


"Larri. You have my babyboy's heart. Don't break it." Y/n's dad tipped his glass towards me.

"Trust me sir. I won't." I kiss y/n's cheek.

"Let me tell you about my good friend Larri." James stood up.

"No one asked you. Sit down." Issa yanked James down.


"How long have we been in this shower?" Y/n asked.

"Almost two hours." I say.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yeah." I say.

"You have the stamina of a damn roadrunner." He laughed.

"Don't tell me you tired." I say.

"I've been tired since the third round." He said.

"Mmm. That's too bad." I cut off the water. "We on round five." I pick him up by his waist and make him wrap his legs around me.

I'm married.


First imagine of many to come❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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